Fermi National Laboratory

Tevatron New Phenomena & Higgs Working Group


Current Convenors: Gregorio Bernardi, Volker Buescher, Wade Fisher, Jean-Francois Grivaz,
Matthew Herndon, Thomas Junk, Mark Kruse, Stephen Mrenna, Wei-Ming Yao

on behalf of the CDF and Collaborations

This working group combines CDF and DØ results on searches for New Phenomena and Higgs bosons.

Public Notes

Winter 2008 Combined CDF and DØ Upper Limits on Standard-Model Higgs-Boson Production
(April 10, 2008, with L=1.0-2.4 fb-1)

Older SM Higgs result
Fall 2007 Combined CDF and DØ Upper Limits on Standard-Model Higgs-Boson Production
(hep-ex/0712.2383, December 14, 2007, with L=0.9-1.9 fb-1)

Combination of CDF and DØ Limits on the Branching Ratio of B_s(d) to mu+ mu- Decays: hep-ex/0508058, FERMILAB-FN-0777-E

Combination of CDF and DØ Limits on a Gauge Mediated SUSY Model Using Diphoton and Missing Transverse Energy Channel: hep-ex/0504004, FERMILAB-PUB-05-052, Summary plot

Internal Information


CDF Higgs Group
DØ Higgs Group
CDF Exotics Group
DØ New Phenomena Group

LEP SUSY Working Group
LEP Higgs Working Group
Tevatron EW Working Group

G. Bernardi (DØ), T. Junk (CDF) V. Buescher
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Last modified: Mon Dec 17 17:32:56 CST 2007