(816) 285-7000

August 14, 2008


The Bureau of Labor Statistics of the U.S. Department of Labor reported today that the July 2008 All Items Consumer Price Index (CPI) in the West advanced 0.4 percent for the month. During the past 12 months, the overall index increased 5.3 percent. Regional Commissioner Stanley W. Suchman noted that the annual increase was primarily due to higher transportation prices. The special all items less food and energy index rose by 0.2 percent in July, and the energy index increased 1.1 percent. On an annual basis, these indexes rose 2.6 percent and 30.3 percent, respectively. Regional CPI area data are not seasonally adjusted.

The transportation index advanced 0.4 percent for the month. For the year ending July, transportation prices jumped 13.5 percent. This was the largest annual increase in transportation prices since a 13.7 percent increase occurred in December 1980. Gasoline prices contributed significantly to higher transportation costs over the year. Gasoline prices increased 0.3 percent for the month and 42.3 percent for the year. New cars and trucks prices edged down 0.1 percent in July and were 1.0 percent lower than a year ago.

The housing index advanced 0.5 percent for the month and rose 3.2 percent since July 2007. The index for shelter, the largest housing component, advanced 0.3 percent for the month and was 3.0 percent higher for the year. Prices for household fuels and utilities increased 2.5 percent from June to July, and 8.8 percent since last year. Within the fuels and utilities index, electricity prices increased 1.1 percent in July and advanced 3.9 percent from a year ago. Prices for utility (piped) gas service rose 6.8 percent for the month and jumped 23.0 percent over the year. Prices for household furnishings and operations increased 0.3 percent for the month and edged up 0.1 percent for the year.

Food and beverages prices rose 0.7 percent in July 2008 and increased 5.8 percent over the past 12 months. Grocery prices, as measured by the food at home index, advanced 1.0 percent in July. The food away from home index increased 0.6 percent in July. Over the year, prices for groceries increased 7.3 percent, and prices for food away from home increased 4.1 percent. Prices for alcoholic beverages declined 0.3 percent in July, but rose 3.9 percent over the year.

The medical care index was unchanged for the month and increased 4.0 percent for the year. In July, prices for medical care services edged up 0.1 percent, but prices for medical care commodities declined 0.6 percent. Over the latest 12-month period, prices for medical care services and prices for medical care commodities advanced 4.6 and 2.0 percent, respectively.

The apparel index was the only major expenditure category that declined over the month. Prices were down 2.7 percent in July, but increased 1.2 percent over the past 12 months.

Among the remaining major expenditure categories, prices for education and communication increased 0.4 percent, and prices for other goods and services inched up 0.1 percent. Over the past year, prices for education and communication were 3.5 percent higher, and prices for other goods and services were up 3.4 percent. The recreation index rose 0.3 percent in July and advanced 0.5 percent for the year.

The All Items Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) for the West stands at 223.867 (1982-84=100). This means a market basket of goods and services that cost $100.00 in 1982-84 would have cost $223.87 in July 2008.

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  Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U):  Indexes and percent changes for selected periods

  West   (1982-84=100 unless otherwise noted)
                                                             Indexes                Percent change from-   
                 Item and Group                                                                            
                                                    May       June       July      July      May     June  
                                                   2008       2008       2008      2007     2008     2008  
              Expenditure category                                                                         
  All items....................................   221.009    223.040    223.867      5.3      1.3      0.4 
  All items (December 1977=100) ...............   357.249    360.532    361.869        -        -        - 
   Food and beverages..........................   218.321    219.494    221.139      5.8      1.3       .7 
    Food.......................................   217.611    218.806    220.636      5.9      1.4       .8 
     Food at home..............................   222.973    224.337    226.684      7.3      1.7      1.0 
     Food away from home.......................   209.813    210.792    211.971      4.1      1.0       .6 
    Alcoholic beverages........................   225.626    226.529    225.897      3.9       .1      -.3 
   Housing.....................................   227.271    227.629    228.864      3.2       .7       .5 
    Shelter....................................   254.051    254.387    255.242      3.0       .5       .3 
     Rent of primary residence (1).............   254.181    254.677    255.331      4.0       .5       .3 
     Owners' equivalent rent of primary                                                                    
         residence (1) (2) ....................   265.815    266.587    267.153      3.3       .5       .2 
    Fuels and utilities........................   234.713    236.250    242.120      8.8      3.2      2.5 
     Household energy..........................   224.148    225.811    232.065     10.0      3.5      2.8 
      Gas (piped) and electricity (1)..........   225.311    226.727    232.998      9.0      3.4      2.8 
       Electricity (1).........................   224.712    224.224    226.634      3.9       .9      1.1 
       Utility (piped) gas service (1).........   247.714    254.479    271.903     23.0      9.8      6.8 
    Household furnishings and operations.......   133.424    133.320    133.764       .1       .3       .3 
   Apparel.....................................   114.620    111.423    108.467      1.2     -5.4     -2.7 
   Transportation..............................   204.564    213.387    214.211     13.5      4.7       .4 
    Private transportation.....................   199.000    207.301    207.719     13.4      4.4       .2 
     New and used motor vehicles (3)...........    93.618     93.329     93.306      -.6      -.3       .0 
      New vehicles.............................   134.056    133.785    133.658     -1.0      -.3      -.1 
       New cars and trucks (3) (4).............    93.212     93.021     92.930     -1.0      -.3      -.1 
       New cars (4)............................   135.421    135.531    136.059      1.3       .5       .4 
      Used cars and trucks.....................   133.892    133.631    133.558       .0      -.2      -.1 
     Motor fuel................................   315.072    352.320    353.317     42.7     12.1       .3 
      Gasoline (all types).....................   312.166    350.024    351.110     42.3     12.5       .3 
       Gasoline, unleaded regular (4)..........   311.960    350.122    351.523     43.1     12.7       .4 
       Gasoline, unleaded midgrade (4) (5).....   291.366    326.346    326.734     40.6     12.1       .1 
       Gasoline, unleaded premium (4)..........   295.349    329.835    330.394     39.9     11.9       .2 
   Medical care................................   368.606    369.169    369.054      4.0       .1       .0 
    Medical care commodities...................   298.580    299.590    297.892      2.0      -.2      -.6 
    Medical care services......................   389.712    390.090    390.598      4.6       .2       .1 
     Professional services.....................   291.258    292.123    292.694      3.6       .5       .2 
   Recreation (3)..............................   108.863    109.155    109.522       .5       .6       .3 
   Education and communication (3).............   122.395    122.774    123.309      3.5       .7       .4 
   Other goods and services....................   346.626    346.887    347.269      3.4       .2       .1 
           Commodity and service group                                                                     
  All items....................................   221.009    223.040    223.867      5.3      1.3       .4 
   Commodities.................................   176.301    179.351    179.590      7.4      1.9       .1 
    Commodities less food and beverages........   152.464    156.050    155.765      8.3      2.2      -.2 
     Nondurables less food and beverages.......   198.323    206.683    205.744     16.5      3.7      -.5 
      Nondurables less food, beverages, and                                                                
          apparel..............................   256.923    273.060    273.438     21.3      6.4       .1 
     Durables..................................   111.580    111.520    111.723     -1.3       .1       .2 
   Services....................................   261.268    262.185    263.600      3.9       .9       .5 
    Rent of shelter (2) .......................   270.272    270.610    271.585      3.0       .5       .4 
    Transportation services....................   245.721    250.189    252.805      6.0      2.9      1.0 
    Other services.............................   291.085    292.090    293.133      3.8       .7       .4 
            Special aggregate indexes                                                                      
  All items less medical care..................   213.822    215.885    216.737      5.4      1.4       .4 
  All items less food..........................   221.681    223.841    224.516      5.2      1.3       .3 
  All items less shelter.......................   208.930    211.703    212.525      6.6      1.7       .4 
  Commodities less food........................   155.529    159.068    158.771      8.1      2.1      -.2 
  Nondurables..................................   210.149    215.290    215.535     11.1      2.6       .1 
  Nondurables less food........................   200.845    208.793    207.868     15.6      3.5      -.4 
  Nondurables less food and apparel............   253.267    267.893    268.173     19.7      5.9       .1 
  Services less rent of shelter (2) ...........   278.844    280.680    282.877      5.1      1.4       .8 
  Services less medical care services..........   251.727    252.661    254.106      3.9       .9       .6 
  Energy.......................................   279.220    301.821    305.028     30.3      9.2      1.1 
  All items less energy........................   218.168    218.551    219.193      3.1       .5       .3 
   All items less food and energy..............   218.915    219.162    219.605      2.6       .3       .2 
    Commodities less food and energy                                                                       
        commodities............................   137.284    136.656    136.167       .1      -.8      -.4 
    Energy commodities.........................   318.416    355.450    356.642     42.7     12.0       .3 
    Services less energy services..............   264.232    265.119    266.230      3.7       .8       .4 

    1 This index series was calculated using a Laspeyres estimator.  All other item stratum index series
  were calculated using a geometric means estimator.
    2 Index is on a December 1982=100 base.
    3 Indexes on a December 1997=100 base.
    4 Special index based on a substantially smaller sample.
    5 Indexes on a December 1993=100 base.
    - Data not available.
  Regions defined as the four Census regions.  West includes Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii,
  Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming.
  NOTE: Index applies to a month as a whole, not to any specific date.


Last Modified Date: August 14, 2008