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Brain & Lung Tumor & Air Pollution Foundation

In February, 2003 the AQMD Board directed staff to establish the Brain Tumor and Air Pollution Foundation (name later changed to the current Brain & Lung Tumor & Air Pollution Foundation) to implement an initiative by the Board Chairman to fund research into the connections between air pollution and brain cancer.  The incidence of brain cancer has been growing at an increasingly rapid rate.  Recent research suggests that there may be a link between air pollution and some types of brain tumors.

The mission of the Foundation is to support research studies on the association between air pollution and brain tumors, as well as research for the development of novel therapeutics for brain tumors.  The Board directed that 10% of the penalty fees collected by the AQMD in FY 2002-03 -- approximately $723,000 -- be transferred to the Foundation to establish a research program.

Directors and Officers
The Directors of the Foundation are:

  1. Michael Antonovich, Chairman
  2. Robert Davidson, Vice Chairman
  3. Bill Campbell
  4. Gary Ovitt
  5. Dennis Yates

The Officers of the Foundation are:

Barry Wallerstein, Chief Executive Officer
Tania Christman, Secretary
Rick Pearce, Treasurer

Summary of Foundation Activities
The Foundation Board has approved funding for two research grants.  One study will investigate the biochemical and pathological changes in brain tissue potentially resulting from air pollution exposures.  The second study received funding to conduct an analysis of data on brain cancer mortality and air pollution levels from a national cohort of individuals lining the largest U.S. cities, and partial funding for an analysis of the incidence of brain tumors in children and exposure to air pollutants in the counties within the SCAQMD.

Future Plans
At its February 2004 meeting, the AQMD Governing Board awarded $1.5 million to the Foundation to fund additional research, provided the Foundation expanded its purposes to include funding for lung cancer research and treatment.  Research has indicated that a significant portion of brain tumors may initially occur in the lungs and migrate to the brain.  In addition, the AQMD conditioned its grant on the Foundation recovering royalties -- or other payments from grantees -- from research funded by the Foundation with monies provided by the AQMD.  These payments would be returned to the AQMD.

The Foundation has presented annual reports to the AQMD Governing Board as follows:

Third Annual Report (March 3, 2006)
Second Annual Report (March 4, 2005)
First Annual Report (March 5, 2004)

Meeting Agendas and Minutes