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Waste Reduction

Greening Government Goal: “By June 30, 2012, the state of Colorado will reduce paper consumption by 20% from SFY 2005-06, zero waste from construction and operations, develop recycling programs and waste management strategies."

Nearly everything we do creates some type of waste. Waste can be considered lost resources, and in today’s world of ever-decreasing natural resources we must find ways to decrease our waste generation in order to become a more sustainable society. Moreover, state employees have a responsibility to the public to be fiscally responsible and use our budgets and resources wisely.

Colorado residents generate approximately 7.5 million tons of solid waste annually, an increase of approximately 60% from 1995. The Environmental Protection Agency estimates that each Coloradoan generates 6.1 pounds of waste per person per day, while the national average for waste generation is 4.5 pounds per person per day.

Reducing our waste and recycling what waste we do generate provides both economic and environmental benefits for Colorado and state agencies. A strong waste reduction and recycling program can reduce the extraction of natural resources and minimize the associated environmental impacts.

Actions and Strategies for State Agencies

Office Paper

  • Measure paper purchases and set a minimum 20% reduction goal
  • Establish and promote a double-sided printing policy to ensure that internal and external documents are printed on both sides
  • Require vendors to submit proposals in a double-sided format without extraneous materials
  • Convert personnel forms and leave slips to an electronic format
  • Provide newsletters to staff electronically rather than making hard copies to distribute
  • Reduce the amount of junk mail received within the agency and at home. Get your name on the “do not mail list”

Office Supplies and Electronics

  • Rather than throw out unused office supplies, establish designated drop-off areas in your office to encourage reuse
  • Review your agency’s electronics replacement policy. Monitors are often replaced prematurely. Do replace CRT monitors with LCD monitors that last longer, contain less toxic material and are easier on the eyes
  • Paper, Plastic, and Aluminum Recycling
  • Conduct a waste audit, which will identify the most common recyclable materials currently thrown away. Use this assessment to establish a baseline and goals for the amount of waste to be recycled
  • Determine which materials can be recycled in your area
  • Choose appropriate recycling bins for specific materials, and place them in break and lunch rooms for plastic and aluminum and near printers, copiers, and at the desktop for paper.  Placing recycling bins near trash cans reduces the likelihood that employees will throw trash into the recycling bin
  • Place large, clear signage in appropriate locations throughout your facility to increase employee awareness of your recycling program
  • Publicize your recycling data results to your employees so they know how they are doing
  • Challenge employees to continually improve their recycling rate every year

Locating a Recycling Vendor
If your facility is managed by the Department of Personnel and Administration Capitol Complex, contact Richard Lee at 303-866-3838 or to discuss your options. 

If your facility is outside of the Capitol complex, contact The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment.

Helpful Contacts

The GEO Greening Government Program Manager

Find your agency's Greening Government Council Representative

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