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Greening Government Goal: "The state of Colorado will implement an Environmentally Preferable Purchasing policy no later than June, 2009. The policy will give preference to products that minimize environmental impacts over the lifetime of the product. At a minimum, the policy will consider a product’s energy profile and recycled material content, toxicity, and impact on air and water resources. State agencies and departments will purchase Energy-Star® certified products when available."

Environmentally Preferable Purchasing (EPP) is the purchase of products and services that have a lesser or reduced effect on human health and the environment when compared to competing products and services that serve the same purpose. This comparison will take into consideration the “life cycle costs” of the product, such as raw materials acquisition, production, manufacturing, packaging, distribution, reuse, operation, maintenance, disposal, energy efficiency, product performance, durability, safety, the needs of the purchaser, and cost.

Implementation of an EPP will lessen the state’s impact on the environment, improve the indoor air quality in state workplaces, increase the energy efficiency of state operations and increase demand and develop markets for products that reduce, minimize, and even eliminate environmental and health impacts associated with the manufacture, use, and/or disposal of such products.

In recognition of the enormous purchasing power of all levels of government, equaling approximately 20 percent of the U.S. Gross National Product, governments across the country, including the State of Colorado, are now involved in EPP. EPP improves the quality of life in Colorado in the areas of:

  • Resource conservation
  • Energy efficiency
  • Reduced toxic materials in the waste stream
  • Reduced landfill use
  • Improved air and water quality
  • Recycled products markets

Actions & Strategies for State Agencies

The State Purchasing Office, Greening Government Coordinating Council, and the Governor's Energy Office (GEO) are developing an Environmentally Preferable Purchasing Policy for the use of state agencies, departments, higher education, and local jurisdictions. Meanwhile, we encourage you to review House Bill 07-1220, and consider the following action steps to move toward sustainable purchasing practices:

  • Purchase products that are made from recycled content.
  • Conserve energy and reduce electricity costs by purchasing energy-efficient office equipment, appliances, lighting fixtures, LED exit signs, and other items.
  • Purchase durable products that do not have to be replaced as often as their competition, such as plastic lumber furniture, or glass chair mats. Reduced maintenance and replacement costs over the product’s life often offset any additional purchasing costs.
  • Bio-based lubricants, especially for landscaping equipment near sensitive areas where oil leaks could be substantially damaging (e.g. golf courses, wells, rivers, etc.)
  • Mercury-free thermometers, barometers, thermostats and blood pressure cuffs. Disposal of mercury can cost thousands of dollars.
  • Non-toxic cleaning chemicals that are less harmful to janitorial staff and easier on the environment.
  • Ask all bidders to submit proposals on recycled paper, double sided copies, and without extra materials not requested. This helps to promote recycled paper markets, reduce vendor-mailing costs and minimize agency file storage needs.
  • Purchase products in bulk to reduce costs, packaging, and transportation impacts. For example, recycled copy paper costs decrease when you buy in large quantities.


Helpful Contacts

The GEO Greening Government Program Manager

Find your agency's Greening Government Council Representative

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