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On-line Form for CPSC Subscription Lists

This form allows you to subscribe or unsubscribe to CPSC's email subscription lists (we have prepared a detailed description of our list system to help you make the best subscription choice). Enter your email address, click the list of your choice, and then click "Subscribe" or "Unsubscribe". You can also subscribe and unsubscribe by sending us an email message. If neither method works, please contact pmargolies@cpsc.gov for assistance.

PLEASE NOTE that our messages are often blocked by anti-spam filters (as they often contain merchandizing

information about product sales) so if you do not receive our messages after joining, set your filter to allow mail from listserv@cpsc.gov or from the domain cpsc.gov - this will usually solve the problem.

If subscribing, a message will be sent to the email address you entered, asking you to confirm your subscription by replying to the message. As per CPSC's privacy policy, we will not disclose your email address or use it for any other purpose. If unsubscribing, a message will be sent to the email address you entered verifying that you unsubscribed.

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