Hourly Precipitation Analysis at NCEP/EMC

Stage II: NCEP National Multi-sensor Hourly Precipitation Analysis
Generated at NCEP, from hourly radar precipitation estimates and from hourly gauge reports. Generated at ~35 minutes after the top of the hour, and again at T+6h and T+18h. No manual QC.

Stage IV: Mosaicked from the regional multi-sensor analyses generated by the RFCs
Mosaicked into a national product at NCEP, from the regional hourly/6-hourly multi-sensor (radar+gauges) precipitation analyses produced by the 12 River Forecast Centers (RFCs) over CONUS. Some manual QC done at the RFCs. Mosaic done at NCEP within an hour of receiving any new hourly/6-hourly data from one or more RFC.

Precipitation for the RTMA

Questions and Answers

Stage II/IV Comparisons(left panel is Stage II):



NCEP/EMC Mesoscale Modeling Branch