February 3-5 2003 Cray-Fusion UltraScale Computing Workshop

Housing/travel information

Goals of Workshop

Fusion Computing Component

  1. Characterize models/codes in terms of physics objectives and model.
  2. Characterize performance extensions (including more cycles) needed for making significant advances (i.e. the "Big-Science" problem).
  3. Identify code/code kernels/algorithm for analysis on a range of platforms (IBMs/clusters/Crays/etc.). Perspective will be optimization of algorithm/platform/software implementation combination as well as performance.
  4. Develop plans for carrying out this task.

Cray Evaluation Component

  1. The science problems as in "2" above.
  2. Identify code/code kernels for evaluation on the Cray X1 and develop a plan for carrying out that evaluation. (Much the same as "3" above.)

Summary of Workshop

Follow-up conference-call on Feb 14 concerning Cray libraries

Follow-up conference-call on Feb 28 about performance modeling


In many cases there are overlapping physics areas, and some coordination is needed in order to only present differences in models/codes. Breakdown of times is left non-specific to allow for flexibility in discussions.

There will be a dial-in conference call each day during the workshop (allows up to 12 participants, including the meeting room.) An email has been sent giving dialing instructions.
Monday, February 3
8:30-10:00 Refreshments
10:00-10:15 Overview Lee Berry
Dial-in available 10:00-4:00
10:00-COB Topical Discussions
  Extended MHD/Reconnection
     Overview Steve Jardin (PPPLJ)
     NIMROD Carl Sovinec (Wisconsin)
     M3D Steve Jardin, Jin Chen (PPPLJ)
     CMRS unable to attend Kai Germaschewski (Uni. Iowa)
1:00-1:15 Welcome Jeff Nichols
  Radio Frequency-Plasma Interactions
     OverviewDon Batchelor (ORNL)
     TORIC/EMIREd D'Azevedo (ORNL)
     AORSAFred Jaeger (ORNL)
Tuesday, February 4
Dial-in available 9:00-4:00
9:00-10:30TutorialTrey White (ORNL)
  Atomic Physics
     Overview/Models David Schultz (ORNL)
10:30-2:00 Topical Presentations Discussions (cont.)
  Micro Turbulence
     GTC Stephane Ethier (PPPL)
     GYROJeff Candy (GA)
2:00-3:00 Cray Demo Nathan Wichmann (Cray)
 LINPACK results Nathan Wichmann (Cray)
  Discussion of tasks for preparing plans and summaries. There will likely be two or three working groups with participation by Cray-knowledgeable folk in each. Whatever is left in the day could be devoted to discussions by the working groups.
Wednesday, February 5
Dial-in available 9:00-12:00
9:30-9:45 Cray Evaluation Mark Fahey
10:00-10:30 Fusion Ultra-Scale Computing Directions Lee Berry

The presentations should include:

  • Brief physics objectives of code.
  • Description of physics model (suitable for computer scientists).
  • What is the "Big-Science" problem? What is computational scale? What are the anticipated bottlenecks?
  • [The above can be sharply limited in the talks on particular models. Points not included in the overviews may need to be addressed.]
  • Description of numerical implementation, including needed libraries.
  • Present limiting/controlling bottlenecks (size of data objects, number of time steps, I/O bandwidth, etc).
  • Information on scaling experiments on various systems that have been carried out.

Needed Equipment:

  • Net access (we would furnish hub hardware)
  • LCD projector, screen
  • Screen
  • Conference Phone (They provide line, we provide phone). This will be used for much of the M3D discussion, as well as other times when necessary. To be useful, pdf copies of the presentations should be provided ahead of time so that we can put them on a website (or distribute them via an FTP site).

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URL http://www.csm.ornl.gov/meetings/fusion2.html
Updated: Thursday, 27-Feb-2003 13:45:43 EST