
March 18-19, 2004
Time 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Allow up to 1 hour for badging and 1 hour for travel time between Knoxville airport and ORNL.
Registration is now available online. Please fill out the form as soon as possible to allow time for security requirements. Registration deadlines are February 19 for foreign nationals and March 4 for U.S. Citizens.


Oak Ridge, TN
General information on visiting ORNL. You will first have to check in at a security gate on Bethel Valley Road. After that, you would go to the Visitor's Center for badging; and then to 5600 (CSB) rooms C212 A&B.


The mission of the Computational Materials Science Network is to advance frontiers in computational materials science by assembling diverse sets of researchers committed to working together to solve relevant materials problems that require cooperation across organizational and disciplinary boundaries. The Microstructure Evolution Cooperative Research Team aims to perform state-of-the-art atomistic calculations of interfacial properties and to couple these results directly into mesoscale models of microstructural evolution.


A block of rooms at $55/night has been reserved at the Jameson Inn in Oak Ridge under the group "CMSN" (cutoff date for the block is 2/27/04). Attendees are responsible for making their own housing reservations. Participants eligible to obtain travel reimbursement for the 9th CMSN meeting at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (March 18-19, 2004) should print the NorthEastern form and follow instructions (for attaching receipts and where to mail the form). form and instructions


photo of Tony Rollett
Tony Rollett
Workshop Chairs:
Tony Rollett, Carnegie Mellon University, (412) 268-3177
Alain Karma, Northeastern University, (617) 373-2929
photo of Alain Karma
Alain Karma
Local Arrangements: B. "Rad" Radhakrishnan, ORNL,, (865) 241-3861
J.R. Morris, ORNL,, (865) 576-7094

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Updated: Friday, 19-Mar-2004 10:27:51 EST