Coastal Services Center

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

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Module 1

For Further Consideration

Think about your own organization and try to answer the following questions for yourself:

  • What are the primary things for which you use the Web at work?
  • For what purposes do your clients/customers/stakeholders use the Web?
  • Is the Web your primary or secondary source of research information?
  • How do you know which information is accurate, and how can you ascertain its credibility?
  • Do you feel entertainment value is an important consideration for promoting and disseminating information on your organization’s Web site?

Now think about your personal Web usage and answer the following:

  • What do you find most frustrating or difficult about using the Web?
  • If you have a Web site, does your site exhibit any of these flaws?
  • How do these flaws in your Web site affect your ability to provide information to stakeholders?
  • What organization do you think does a good job with its Web site? How has this organization minimized Web site frustrations?
  • Are most problems that you see on other organizations’ Web sites related to content, navigation, or technology (plug-ins, slow pages, browser-specific pages) issues?