FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 2000-42 SEC Announces Tenth Annual International Institute Washington, DC, March 31, 2000 -- The Securities and Exchange Commission is hosting its 10th annual International Institute for Securities Market Development, beginning on Monday, April 3, 2000. The two-week, executive level program is the cornerstone of the SEC's international technical assistance program. The Institute provides an opportunity to discuss the core principles of securities regulation among a wide-ranging group of participants from emerging markets. It features panels and workshops conducted by SEC staff and officials from the securities industry, the private bar, and international development organizations. This year, the Institute audience will include over 100 senior securities officials from 64 emerging market countries. Prior Institutes have provided training for nearly 800 officials from all five continents. A list of countries represented at this year's Institute is attached. The program will commence at 9:30 a.m. with welcoming remarks by SEC Commissioner Isaac C. Hunt, Jr. David Ruder, former SEC Chairman and currently Professor of Law at Northwestern University, School of Law, will give the keynote address at 11:30 a.m. Each of these talks is open to the press and will be delivered at the SEC's headquarters in Room IC30, 450 Fifth Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. # # # Countries Participating in the 2000 International Institute for Securities Market Development 1. Albania 33. Macedonia 2. Bahamas 34. Malaysia 3. Bangladesh 35. Mexico 4. Bolivia 36. Moldova 5. Bosnia and Herzegovina 37. Mongolia 6. Brazil 38. Montenegro 7. Bulgaria 39. Morocco 8. Cayman Islands 40. Namibia 9. China 41. Nigeria 10. Colombia 42. Oman 11. Costa Rica 43. Pakistan 12. Croatia 44. Panama 13. Cyprus 45. Peru 14. Czech Republic 46. Philippines 15. Ecuador 47. Poland 16. Egypt 48. Romania 17. Estonia 49. Russia 18. Fiji Islands 50. Saudi Arabia 19. Georgia 51. Slovakia 20. Ghana 52. Slovenia 21. Hungary 53. South Africa 22. Iceland 54. Sri Lanka 23. India 55. Taiwan 24. Indonesia 56. Thailand 25. Jamaica 57. Trinidad and Tobago 26. Jordan 58. Turkey 27. Kazakhstan 59. Uganda 28. Kenya 60. Ukraine 29. Korea 61. Uruguay 30. Kyrgyz Republic 62. Venezuela 31. Latvia 63. Vietnam 32. Lithuania 64. Zambia