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Tower Temperature and Humidity Sensors (TWR)

Instrument Categories: Surface Meteorology, Atmospheric Profiling

General Overview

Picture of the 60-m Tower

Three tall towers are installed at Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Climate Research Facility (ACRF) sites: a 60-m triangular tower at the Southern Great Plains (SGP) Central Facility (CF), a 21 m walkup scaffolding tower at the SGP Okmulgee forest site (E21), and a 40-m triangular tower at the North Slope of Alaska (NSA) at Barrow. The towers are used for meteorological, radiological, and other measurements. Instrument systems installed on the towers are listed in section 7, Instrument Details, although only the Temperature/Relative Humidity/Vapor Pressure (T/RH/VP) measurements made on the SGP CF tower are described in detail. Information on measurements made by the other instrument systems on the towers can be found at individual instrument systems web pages.

Primary Measurements Taken

The following measurements are those considered scientifically relevant. Refer to the netCDF File Header Descriptions (Data Object Design Files) for the list of all available measurements, including those recorded for diagnostic or quality assurance purposes.

Available Value-Added Products

This instrument is an input to the following value-added products, which provide improved measurements or derived quantities.

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David Cook
(630) 252-5840