Argonne National Laboratory Office of Technology Transfer
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Objectives and Mission of the Office of Technology Transfer

A primary objective of the Department of Energy (DOE) laboratories is to promote the economic interests of the United States by facilitating development, transfer, and use of federally owned or originated technology to industry for public benefit and to leverage DOE resources through partnering with industry. These objectives are accomplished at DOE labs in several ways:

  • Cost-shared R&D with an industrial partner
  • Reimbursable R&D with industry sponsorship
  • Industry use of DOE lab research and user facilities
  • Assistance to companies with short-term technical problems in unique areas not served commercially
  • Licensing of laboratory patents, copyrights, and trademarks

The Office of Technology Transfer (OTT) is dedicated to pursuit of each of these targets and serves as a focal point in each of the areas at Argonne.

The OTT Technology Transfer Mission is to deliver advanced technology and unique technical services to industry proactively by targeting strategic emerging high-impact technologies and forming market-driven alliances proactively

  • to expand benefits to users of technology,
  • to enhance market impact,
  • to provide competitive returns to Argonne and,
  • to contribute to solution of important domestic problems.

OTT accomplishes its mission by:

  • Developing valued intellectual property (IP) and licensing it for use by the public
  • Working with Argonne R&D divisions to exploit opportunities in research, develop partnerships, and enhance returns from Argonne IP
  • Performing results-orientated outreach to technology stakeholders to develop benefits, improve industry competitiveness, and enhance awareness of new materials, processes, and software.

OTT's vision is to work proactively with Argonne divisions and selected industry partners to develop commercialization strategies, seek partners with new applications, and introduce advancements into commercial use through licenses and start-ups.

Whenever possible, OTT works with local industry to enhance regional impact of Argonne in the Midwest.

U.S. Department of Energy The University of Chicago Office of Science - Department of Energy
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