We hold that money in a suspense file until we can determine to whom it belongs.
If the Department of Homeland Security has authorized you to work and you now have a legitimate Social Security number, contact Social Security to have all your earnings posted to your correct SSN.
However, be aware that recent legislation may impact your eligibility for Social Security benefits if you misused a Social Security number. It is important to understand that misuse of another individual's Social Security number is a violation of federal law and may lead to fines and/or imprisonment and that disregarding the work authorization provisions printed on your Social Security card may be a violation of federal immigration law.
Violations of the Social Security Act and the Identity Theft and Assumption Deterrence Act regarding Social Security number fraud and misuse are serious crimes and violators will be prosecuted. Accordingly, each year employers send their Form W-2s to SSA and a match is performed against the name and Social Security number on the forms and SSA's records. If the information does not match, we hold those earnings in a suspense file.