Press Room

August 28, 2008

Treasury Department Selects Pizer as
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Environment and Energy

Washington – Undersecretary for International Affairs David H. McCormick today announced the selection of William A. (Billy) Pizer to be Deputy Assistant Secretary for Environment and Energy.  He will lead a new office created by Secretary Paulson to develop, coordinate, and execute the Treasury Department's role in the domestic and international environment and energy agenda of the United States.  Among other things, the office will oversee international financial mechanisms to support U.S. and global environmental goals, such as the multi-billion dollar Clean Technology Fund established in July, the Tropical Forest Conservation Act, and the Global Environmental Facility, as well as contribute to the development of domestic and international policy options to address climate change. 

Pizer spent the past 12 years at Resources for the Future, the nonpartisan research organization, most recently as Senior Fellow and Research Director, where he directed, published, and communicated research on the design of effective environmental policy.  He has also served as Senior Economist at the National Commission on Energy Policy and Senior Staff Economist at the White House Council of Economic Advisers.  He received a B.S. in Physics from the University of North Carolina and a Ph.D. in Economics from Harvard University. 
