Koninklijk Antheneum, Tienen, Belgium

17 October 1997

At Belgium's flagship GLOBE school, Koninklijk Atheneum, teacher Jules Robijns, and his biology students (pictured here) definitely have something to smile about! Belgium joined GLOBE on March 24, 1995, and less than one month later, on April 19, 1995 they reported their first data! In January 1996, the school was visited by the United States Ambassador to Belgium, Alan J. Blinken. Ambassador Blinken went to Koninklijk Atheneum and was impressed with the students exceptional efforts and motivation. The students have constructed their own weather station at the school, and from there they diligently monitor atmospheric temperatures, take preciptation measurements, and make cloud observations. Additionally, the students have not just one, but three hydrology sites at which they regularly measure temperature and pH at varying depths.

It is because of the strong committment of these students that the GLOBE Program is so successful. Mr. Robjins and the GLOBE students of Koninklijk Atheneum are truly pioneers in the GLOBE Program and can be proud of the example they are setting for other schools in their Flemish Community, in Belgium and throughout the world.

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