Morehead Elementary School, Morehead, KY, United States

22 February 1999

Morehead Students In their effort to diligently record and report atmospheric measurements, the students at Morehead Elementary in Morehead, Kentucky are not only helping scientists but they are also making history! In January 1999, Morehead Elementary became the 3000th GLOBE school to report data to the GLOBE Student Data Archive!

GLOBE Teacher Sarah Mitchelson values the opportunity that GLOBE gives her fourth-grade students to work with scientific equipment on a regular basis. "My students enjoy the responsibilities and new skills as much as they enjoy the time spent outdoors," Ms. Mitchelson said.

"What I've learned in GLOBE is some big words ... and new clouds," exclaimed fourth grader Katie. "It's interesting how temperature works. I hope I can do this next year."

Morehead Elementary School students appreciate the complexity of temperature, cloud, and precipitation measurements, and they are learning how these features work together to produce the weather and climate.

"I enjoy GLOBE because I learned to measure air temperature, rainfall, and maximum and minimum air temperature," classmate Byron reported. Jessica agrees, "I like the GLOBE instrument shelter group because I get to open the shelter, read temperatures, write them down and check the rain gauge. I learn a lot about weather and how to find out what it is."

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