GLOBE in Greece: National Assessment Conference

07 May 1998

newgreece1.jpg In November 1997, GLOBE Greece held the first GLOBE/ALEXANDROS National Assessment Conference. At this one day symposium in Athens, administrators, teachers, and students gathered to present and evaluate the first year of GLOBE activity in Greece. Thirty-five teachers and 65 pupils from 24 Greek GLOBE schools participated. Staff members of the Ministry of Environment and the Ministry of Education also attended the workshop, along with 14 members of the Greek GLOBE supporting group.

"The Assessment Conference was very successful," reported Greece's GLOBE Country Coordinator, Dr. Costas Cartalis, "School teachers and students who participated in the Conference expressed their satisfaction with respect to the Program and the capabilities it provides for introducing young students to science, the environment, new technologies."


According to Dr. Cartalis, students were excited to be part of an international environmental experiment, proud of their efforts and the participation of their school in the GLOBE/ALEXANDROS program, and eager to initiate cooperation with schools in Greece and abroad. "The symposium was intensive and exciting," added Assistant Professor Despina Deligiorgi, a scientist with GLOBE/ALEXANDROS.

Congratulations to Greece on completion and evaluation of their first year of participation in GLOBE. For more information on GLOBE in Greece, visit their GLOBE Homepage at:

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