7th Annual Czech GLOBE Games in Brumov - Bylnice

25 January 2005

GLOBE Games 2004

GLOBE Stars ImageTEREZA, the GLOBE Country Coordinating body in the Czech Republic, organized the 7th Annual GLOBE Games in cooperation with GLOBE school Brumov-Bylnice Elementary School in the White Carpathians protected landscape area. Participants had the opportunity to arrive a day early and spend the day on an excursion in the beautiful countryside.

Two hundred and ten students and forty-two teachers from thirty-two Czech schools participated in the 7th Czech GLOBE Games, May 6-9, 2004. This year, as in the past, GLOBE Games 2004 included international participation: a group from Finland, composed of 21 children and 2 teachers, and a group from Norway, 4 teachers and 8 parents. We were also happy to welcome plenty of visitors from local and regional authorities, Ministry of Education. We were sorry that Gary Randolph from GLOBE USA could not come but we hope that it will be possible next year.

GLOBE Stars ImageGLOBE Games lasted for 3 days, and was arranged into three different programs; the first for students-competitors, the second for "fans-explorers" and the third for teachers. There were also opportunities for trips to the surrounding nature with the expert from local ecological center Kosenka and White Carpathians Protected Landscape Area Administration.

GLOBE Stars ImageThe students-competitors program included 12 different sites to test and try new measurements from the GLOBE Program, to understand their practical use and to practice teamwork. The fans-explorers could choose their specialization and explore the environment in groups guided by experts. The specializations included: hydrology (including an excursion to the waste water treatment plant); historians with a focus on ecology; GPS and satellite images. A special group of student - journalists wrote reports from the field, interviewed participants and teachers and completed the Newsletter on site. The Newsletter was distributed during the closing ceremony. Teachers had the opportunity to view all the prepared sites and watch their students completing the tasks. On Friday and Saturday they also could take part in the "field conference".

Does this sound interesting? TEREZA will be hosting a European-wide GLOBE Games May 6 - 8, 2005, in Ceska Trebova. For more information contact Dana Votapkova, the Country Coordinator for GLOBE in the Czech Republic.

GLOBE Stars Image

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