Byng Elementary, Ada, OK, USA

17 October 1997

The GLOBE students of Byng Elementary in Ada, OK received international attention when their teacher, Mr. Patrick Sullivan, presented a paper on their GLOBE activities at an international conference in Scotland. Mr. Sullivan's presentation was part of the 4th International Conference on School and Popular Meteorological and Oceanographic Education.

Byng students began making GLOBE measurements in April 1995. "Students at Byng have learned over the course of the year that sometimes it is not an easy task to gather data," Mr. Sullivan told the conference participants. "The weather does not always cooperate!"

Although data collection in the winter months may be particularly difficult for GLOBE students, the efforts are very worthwhile. GLOBE Chief Scientist Dr. Dixon Butler visited Byng Elementary in October 1996 and reported that "the commitment to data collection by these students, and GLOBE students all over the world, is essential in helping us all to better understand the Earth."

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