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2005 Road to Recovery Promotion

Updated 01/23/06
The following packages of materials can help you promote National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month (Recovery Month) in your local community. Use the presentations to generate community awareness, support and involvement in the Recovery Month observance as well as to educate others that recovery is possible.

There are four different packages to choose from, which are easy to use. All that is required is a PC with Microsoft PowerPoint software and Windows Media Player. View the instructions and troubleshooting tips to view these presentations.

Road to Recovery Promotion (package #1)
This package of information includes a PowerPoint presentation, English and Spanish versions of 2005 public service announcements, and the Road to Recovery promotional video clip.

Road to Recovery Promotion (package #2)
This package of information includes a PowerPoint presentation, English versions of 2005 public service announcements, and the Road to Recovery promotional video clip.

Road to Recovery Promotion (package #3)
This package of information includes a PowerPoint presentation and the Road to Recovery promotional video clip.

Road to Recovery Promotion (package #4)
This package of information includes a PowerPoint presentation.

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U.S. Department of Health and Human Services U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Center of Substance Abuse Prevention Center for Mental Health Services Center for Substance Abuse Prevention Center for Substance Abuse Treatment National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month