Posters for the ARM Mobile Facility and ARM Education and Outreach were selected for the 2008 Earth Day display at DOE Headquarters.
Posters for the ARM Mobile Facility and ARM Education and Outreach were selected for the 2008 Earth Day display at DOE Headquarters.

Earth Day is officially honored each year on April 22, however, many groups sponsor activities throughout the entire month of April. At DOE Headquarters in Washington DC, two ACRF posters were selected to join a poster display representing programs from numerous DOE offices. The display was featured in the Forrestal Building’s ground-level and first floor lobby areas throughout the week of April 21. The posters were then displayed at DOE Headquarters’ Germantown facility during the week of April 28.

ACRF posters on display included an overview poster about the ARM Mobile Facility and an educational poster geared toward kids in grades K-12. The ARM Mobile Facility poster features the system capabilities and baseline instruments and also lists the past several deployment locations. The educational poster features the ACRF site “mascots”—a polar bear for the North Slope of Alaska, a sea turtle for the Tropical Western Pacific, and a prairie dog for the Southern Great Plains. It also includes information about the educational tools and materials available through the ARM Education website.

Earth Day began in 1970, when former Senator Gaylord Nelson first set aside the day to recognize and honor the environment in which we live. Since its inception, Earth Day has attracted increasing support, expanding across the globe as millions of people celebrate with events both large and small in nearly 200 different countries.