Fermilab Media Footage
Index of Clips and Downloadable Mpeg2 Files
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(3 shots/clips)
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(61 MB)
"Wilson Hall"
(4 shots/clips)
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(66 MB)
(12 shots/clips)
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(214 MB)
"CDF and Dzero Detectors"
(7 shots/clips)
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(142 MB)
"CMS (U.S. involvement)"
(13 shots/clips)
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(202 MB)
"Neutrino Experiments"
(16 shots/clips)
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(213 MB)
(3 shots/clips)
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(6 MB)
"Theory / Higgs"
(4 shots/clips)
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(54 MB)
"Particle Astrophysics / SDSS / Auger / CDMS"
(10 shots/clips)
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(64 MB)
"Cancer Treatment: Neutron / Proton Therapy"
(4 shots/clips)
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(54 MB)
(3 shots/clips)
Right Click to Download MP2
(64 MB)
(6 shots/clips)
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(84 MB)
(8 shots/clips)
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(109 MB)
"Buffalo / Bison"
(3 shots/clips)
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(58 MB)
"Project X, Superconducting Cavities"
(3 shots/clips)
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(32 MB)
(2 shots/clips)
Right Click to Download MP2
(21 MB)

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in cooperation with Fermilab's Computing Division.