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  Substance  Abuse  and  Mental  Health  Services  Administration

Media Advisory




For Immediate Release

Contact:  Ivette Torres/Leah Young

August 29, 2001



Mothers’ Addiction Treatment Results in Healthy Babies, Less Abuse of Alcohol or Drugs or Criminal Involvement

Research from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)’s  Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (CSAT) reveals that residential substance abuse treatment geared to pregnant and postpartum women or women with children results in outstanding pregnancy outcomes, sharp drops in alcohol and drug use and reduced criminal behavior.  The research will be outlined at a press conference Thursday, September 6, at the National Press Club.

The press conference is the 12th annual kick-off to Recovery Month, a celebration of the effectiveness of treatment and the courage of those who begin the long strides back to sobriety.                                                                                                  

WHO:  Joseph H. Autry, M.D., Acting Administrator, SAMHSA

Edward Jurith, J.D., Acting Director, White House Office of National Drug Control Policy

H. Westley Clark, M.D., J.D., M.P.H., Director CSAT

Shay Bilchik, Executive Director, Child Welfare League

James M. Herrell, Ph.D., Social Science Analyst, CSAT 

Kenneth Burgdorf, Ph.D., Project Director, RWC/PPW Cross-site Evaluation

Rebecca Taylor, Vice President of Treatment Services, Seabrook House, Seabrook, NJ

Ginny Vicini, Executive Director, Chrysalis House Inc., Lexington, KY

Vicki Horseman, graduate of Chrysalis House

Jackie Hinton, graduate of Seabrook House

WHAT: Press conference to unveil a White Paper on CSAT’s 1993-2000 Residential Treatment Programs for Pregnant and Parenting Women.

WHERE: National Press Club Holeman Lounge, 14th and F Streets NW, Washington DC

WHEN: Thursday, September 6, 10:30 A.M.


Center for Mental Health Services     ˜    Center for Substance Abuse Prevention     ˜    Center for Substance Abuse Treatment