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Moxim, Walter

  1. Cassar, N., M. Bender, B. Barnett, S. Fan, W. Moxim, H. Levy II, and B. Tilbrook, 2008:  Response to Comment on "The Southern Ocean biological response to Aeolian iron deposition".  Science, 319(5860), 159.

  2. Abstract / PDF

  3. Cassar, N., M. L. Bender, B. A. Barnett, S. Fan, W. J. Moxim, H. Levy II, and B. Tilbrook, 2007: The Southern Ocean biological response to aeolian iron deposition. Science, 317(5841), 1067-1070.

  4. Abstract / PDF / Supplement

  5. Fan, S-M., W. J. Moxim, and H. Levy II, 2006: Aeolian input of bioavailable iron to the ocean. Geophysical Research Letters, 33, L07602, doi:10.1029/2005GL024852.

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  7. Fan, S-M., W. J. Moxim, and H. Levy II, 2005: Implications of droplet nucleation to mineral dust aerosol deposition and transport. Geophysical Research Letters, 32, L10805, doi:10.1029/2005GL022833.

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  9. Fan, S-M., L. W. Horowitz, H. Levy II, and W. J. Moxim, 2004: Impact of air pollution on wet deposition of mineral dust aerosolsGeophysical Research Letters, 31, L02104, doi:10.1029/2003GL018501.

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  11. Phadnis, M. J., H. Levy II, and W. J. Moxim, 2002: On the evolution of pollution from South and Southeast Asia during the winter-spring monsoon. Journal of Geophysical Research, 107(D24), 4790, doi:10.1029/2002JD002190.

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  13. Kasibhatla, P., H. Levy II, W. J. Moxim, S. N. Pandis,  J. J. Corbett, M. C. Peterson, R. E. Honrath, K. Knapp, D. D. Parrish, T. B. Ryerson, and G. J. Frost, 2000: Do emissions from ships have a significant impact on concentrations of nitrogen oxides in the marine boundary layer? Geophysical Research Letters, 27(15), 2229-2232.

  14. Abstract  / PDF

  15. Moxim, W. J., and H. Levy II, 2000: A model analysis of the tropical South Atlantic Ocean tropospheric ozone maximum: The interaction of transport and chemistry. Journal of Geophysical Research, 105(D13), 17,393-17,415.

  16. Abstract  / PDF

  17. Yienger, J. J., M. Galanter, T. A. Holloway, M. J. Phadnis, S. K. Guttikunda, G. R. Carmichael, W. J. Moxim, and H. Levy II, 2000: The episodic nature of air pollution transport from Asia to North America. Journal of Geophysical Research, 105(D22), 26,931-26,945.

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  19. Levy II, H., W. J. Moxim, A. A. Klonecki, and P. S. Kasibhatla, 1999:  Simulated tropospheric NOx : Its evaluation, global distribution and individual source contributions. Journal of Geophysical Research, 104(D21),  26,279-26,306.

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  21. Yienger, J. J., A. A. Klonecki, H. Levy II, W. J. Moxim, and G. R. Carmichael, 1999: An evaluation of chemistry's role in the winter-spring ozone maximum found in the northern midlatitude free troposphere. Journal of Geophysical Research, 104(D3), 3655-3667.

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  23. Levy, H. II, P. S. Kasibhatla, W. J. Moxim, A. A. Klonecki, A. I. Hirsch, S. J. Oltmans, and W. L. Chameides, 1997: The global impact of human activity on tropospheric ozone. Geophysical Research Letters, 24(7), 791-794.

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  25. Levy, H. II, W. J. Moxim, and Kasibhatla, 1996: A global three-dimensional time-dependent lightning source of tropospheric NOx. Journal of Geophysical Research, 101(D17), 22,911-22,922.

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  27. Moxim, W. J., H. Levy II, and P. S. Kasibhatla, 1996: Simulated global tropospheric PAN: Its transport and impact on NOx. Journal of Geophysical Research, 101(D7), 12,621-12,638.

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  29. Lawrence, M. G., W. L. Chameides, P. S. Kasibhatla, H. Levy II, and W. Moxim, 1995: Lightning and atmospheric chemistry: the rate of atmospheric NO production. In Handbook of Atmospheric Electrodynamics, Vol. 1, Bonn, Germany: CRC Press, 189-202.

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  31. Levy, H., II, J. J. Yienger, W. J. Moxim, P. S. Kasibhatla, and W. L. Chameides, 1995: The increase of pollutants (nitrogen oxides and ozone) in the summertime Midwest. In Preparing for Global Change: A Midwestern Perspective, Amsterdam; The Netherlands: SPB Academic Publishing, 11-19.

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  33. Kasibhatla, P. S., H. Levy II, and W. J. Moxim, 1993: Global NOx, HNO3, PAN, and NOy distributions from fossil fuel combustion emissions: A model study. Journal of Geophysical Research, 98(D4), 7165-7180.

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  35. Levy, H., II, W. J. Moxim, and P. S. Kasibhatla, 1993: Impact of global NOx sources on the northern latitudes. In The Tropospheric Chemistry of Ozone in the Polar Regions, NATO ASI Series I, Vol. 7, Spinger-Verlag, 77-88.

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  37. Kasibhatla, P. S., H. Levy II, W. J. Moxim, and W. L. Chameides, 1991: The relative impact of stratospheric photochemical production of tropospheric NOy levels: A model study. Journal of Geophysical Research, 96(D10), 18,631-18,646.

  38. Abstract

  39. Moxim, W. J., 1990: Simulated trasport of NOy to Hawaii during August: A synoptic study. Journal of Geophysical Research, 95(D5), 5717-5729.

  40. Abstract

  41. Levy, H., II, and W. J. Moxim, 1989: Examining the global impact of local/regional air pollution: The role of global chemical transport models. In Air Pollution Modeling and its Application VII, Plenum Publishing Corp., 139-157.

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  43. Levy, H., II, and W. J. Moxim, 1989: Influence of long-range transport of combustion emissions on the chemical variability of the background atmosphere. Nature, 338(6213), 326-328.

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  45. Levy, H., II, and W. J. Moxim, 1989: Simulated global distribution and deposition of reactive nitrogen emitted by fossil fuel combustion. Tellus, 41B, 256-271.

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  47. Levy, H., II, and W. J. Moxim, 1987: Fate of US and Canadian combustion nitrogen emissions. Nature, 328(6129), 414-416.

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  49. Mahlman, J. D., H. Levy II, and W. J. Moxim, 1986: Three-dimensional simulations of stratospheric N2O: Predictions for other trace constituents. Journal of Geophysical Research, 91(D2), 2687-2707.

  50. Abstract

  51. Levy, H., II, J. D. Mahlman, W. J. Moxim, and S. C. Liu, 1985: Tropospheric ozone: The role of transport. Journal of Geophysical Research, 90(D2), 3753-3772.

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  53. Levy, H., II, J. D. Mahlman, and W. J. Moxim, 1982: Tropospheric N2O variability. Journal of Geophysical Research, 87(C4), 3061-3080.

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  55. Levy, H., II, J. D. Mahlman, and W. J. Moxim, 1980: A stratospheric source of reactive nitrogen in the unpolluted troposphere. Geophysical Research Letters, 7(6), 441-444.

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  57. Mahlman, J. D., H. Levy II, and W. J. Moxim, 1980: Three-dimensional tracer structure and behavior as simulated in two ozone precursor experiments. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 37(3), 655-685.

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  59. Moxim, W. J., and J. D. Mahlman, 1980: Evaluation of various total ozone sampling networks using the GFDL 3-D tracer model. Journal of Geophysical Research, 85(C8), 4527-4539.

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  61. Levy, H. , II, J. D. Mahlman, and W. J. Moxim, 1979: Preliminary report on the numerical simulation of the three-dimensional structure and variability of atmospheric N2O. Geophysical Research Letters, 6(3), 155-158.

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  63. Mahlman, J. D., and W. J. Moxim, 1978: Tracer simulation using a global general circulation model: Results from a midlatitude instantaneous source experiment. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 35(8), 1340-1374.

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  65. Mahlman, J. D., and W. J. Moxim, 1976: A method for calculating more accurate budget analyses of "sigma" coordinate model results. Monthly Weather Review, 104(9), 1102-1106.

  66. Abstract / PDF
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