Section I

The UCR Program collects data for crimes motivated by biases against a race, religion, sexual orientation, ethnicity/national origin, or disability. This section presents Tables 1 through 11, which present data about the number and types of these offenses broken down by bias motivation, by offense type, by location, and by participating state.


Report Summary

Published annually since 1992, Hate Crime Statistics is the byproduct of the joint effort between the FBI and the law enforcement agencies that identify and report hate crimes. This partnership and, ultimately, this publication serve as the cornerstone in raising the Nation’s awareness about the occurrence of bias-motivated offenses. The publication has also become a statistical tool for those involved in the advocacy or the study of persons persecuted because of their inherent traits, such as the color of their skin, or the personal decisions they make, like what church they attend.

Hate Crime Statistics, 2004 , chronicles 7,649 criminal incidents that law enforcement agencies reported--as motivated by a bias against a race, religion, disability, ethnicity, or sexual orientation--and includes information on 9,035 offenses, 9,528 victims, and 7,145 known offenders. Eleven of the 14 tables in this publication present various information about hate crime incidents, the types of offenses committed, and some aspects of the victims and the offenders. The remaining tables contain hate crime data aggregated by state or agency type and show the parameters of participation for law enforcement agencies that contributed data to the program.     




Section II

The data in this section provide aggregate state totals and individual agency breakdowns of bias-motivated incidents. Table 12 furnishes for each state the total number of participating agencies, the population represented, the number of agencies that submitted hate crime incidents, and the number of incidents reported. Table 13 provides data from those agencies that submitted one or more hate crime incidents in any of their reports, and Table 14 shows those agencies that submitted reports indicating that no instances of hate crimes occurred.


The Hate Crime Statistics Act is presented in Appendix A. Appendix B is the directory of State Uniform Crime Reporting Programs, which contains the addresses and telephone numbers of the state UCR Programs and U.S. Territories that contribute data to the FBI.

Appendix A
Appendix B
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