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Ticks and Your Pet

What are ticks?
Ticks are parasites that attach to an animal or person in order to feed on blood. Ticks can transmit diseases to animals and people.

How can I protect my pet?

  • Remove excessive or dead underbrush, leaf litter, etc. from your property. Keep grass short and trees trimmed.
  • Check your pet frequently for ticks. Look inside your animal's ears, in between toes, and under pet collars.
  • Apply repellants or powders. Make sure to follow the instructions.
  • House your pet on concrete if ticks are a problem, and wash all bedding regularly.
  • Treat your yard, home and pet if you have an infestation of ticks. Different types of chemicals are available for the treatment of your yard, the inside of your home, and your pet. Make sure to read the product label and follow instructions. It is important to treat your home, your yard, and your pet all at the same time, but not necessarily with the same product.

If I find a tick on my pet, how do I remove it?

  • Remove the tick as soon as possible.
  • Use tweezers, forceps, or a tissue to remove the tick. Grasp it as close to the surface of the skin as possible and gently pull straight out. DO NOT burn it with a match or cigarette, kerosene or gasoline, twist the tick out, or crush it.
  • If the mouth parts break off, remove them like you would a splinter. Disinfect the bite area with an antiseptic.
  • Wash your hands.
  • Remember the date that you find the tick or mark it on the calendar. Just in case your pet becomes ill later, the veterinarian will be better able to tell if it is related to the tick if he or she knows when the bite occurred.

If you have any questions about ticks please call the

Bernalillo County Animal Control and Protection 314-0280.