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Mailing List Privacy Information

The Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section maintains the Cybercrime Updates Mailing List to inform subscribers of new information on the website and to provide them with other information that may be of interest.  The Cybercrime Update Mailing List is hosted by Topica, a private company unaffiliated with the Department of Justice.

Please be advised that any information you provide to Topica when you sign up for the mailing list will be available to Topica.  It is Topica's policy not to sell or disclose to third parties other than the list owners (here, the Department of Justice) any information that list subscribers have transmitted.

Topica has informed us that they may send out occasional notices regarding their own services, and that these mailings, if any, will occur monthly or less.

          - Topica's Privacy Policy           - DOJ Criminal Division Privacy Policy
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Updated page April 25, 2005