Scientific Graphics Toolkit

Version 2 Demonstrations

See the note at the bottom of the page for information on compatible browsers and download size.

Screen Snapshots

Run the Demonstrations

Run JTimeSeriesDemo
This example uses a pre-created "Layout" for time series to simplify the construction of a plot. The JPlotLayout can plot multiple lines, with a legend and provides zooming and object editing capabilities.

Run JRealTimeDemo
This example creates a plot from "scratch" using the basic sgt classes. It demonstrates how sgt can be used with "real-time" data sources.

Run the TAOMap demo
This example also creates a plot from scratch to display two Collections of SGTPoint.

Run JGridDemo
This example uses a pre-created "Layout" for raster time series to simplify the construction of a plot. The JPlotLayout can plot a single grid with a ColorKey and supports zooming.

Run JVectorDemo
This example uses a pre-created "Layout" for a vector grid to simplify the construction of a plot. The JPlotLayout can plot a single vector grid with a VectorKey and supports zooming.

NOTE: The above applets require the JDK1.3 Java Plug-in or JDK1.2 Java Plug-in (which is freely available). Click on the icon to see a larger version of the image or click on the link to the right of the icon to run the applet. Download time for slower links can be long, noaa_pmel.jar is 1.1M . Since all demonstration applets are included in noaa_pmel.jar, subsequent demonstrations will use a cached copy of the jar file and not require additional downloads.

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This software is provided by NOAA for full, free and open release. It is understood by the recipient/user that NOAA assumes no liability for any errors contained in the code. Although this software is released without conditions or restrictions in its use, it is expected that appropriate credit be given to its author and to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration should the software be included by the recipient as an element in other product development.

Link to V1.0 sgt page.


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