Scientific Graphics Toolkit (sgt) Version 3.0 SGT Beans Initial Release Release Notes $Id: RELEASE-NOTES-3.0.txt,v 1.4 2003/09/19 23:14:24 dwd Exp $ Introduction: ------------- This document describes the changes in the Scientific Graphics Toolkit from version 2.1 to 3.0 and introduces the first release of SGT Beans. Bug reports, comments, and suggestions can be sent to, or preferrably reported using the Mantis system at New Features: ------------- The biggest new feature is the initial delivery of SGT Beans. The three main beans Page, PanelModel, and DataModel can be used to produce graphics more easily. These beans also enable a user to more easily change the layout of existing graphics. [I will be making a tutorial available in about 2 months.] New classes have been added to support graphical annotation. And a new GeoDateArray class has been added to improve performance. Bug Fixes: ---------- To many to list. The major fixes include using repaint() internally to make the drawing more robust. Problems with placing multiple JPanes in a single JFrame have been addressed and printing has been updated to work after the above bug fixes :-). Known Existing Problems: ------------------------ SGT Beans require jdk 1.4. This requirement is because I use XMLEncoder to serialize SGT Beans. The JRealTimeDemo demonstrates a problem that occurs when SGT is forced to redraw too rapidly. On Solaris, the JPanel goes blank until the repainting is done. Printing SGT Beans with titled borders cause the graphic to be shifted down but not rescaled. The result is the border overplot on the graphic. The Page SGT Bean doesn't account for the extra space a pixel rendering requires, causing the pixels to overlap the axes. Future Features: --------------- Presently SGT Beans don't use a LayoutManager to position Panels on the Page. I will be developing the interface and visual customization classes necessary to support SpringLayout. Eventually :-(. Deprecated Classes: ------------------ The following classes are now deprecated and will be removed at some future sgt release. gov.noaa.pmel.sgt.Pane -- use gov.noaa.pmel.sgt.JPane gov.noaa.pmel.sgt.swing.JLineProfileLayout -- use gov.noaa.pmel.sgt.swing.JPlotLayout in gov.noaa.pmel.util: SoTRange.GeoDate -- use SoTRange.Time SoTValue.GeoDate -- use SoTValue.Time TimePoint -- use SoTPoint TimeRange -- use SoTRange New Packages: ------------- gov.noaa.pmel.sgt.beans New Classes: ------------ For details see the JavaDoc. gov.noaa.pmel.sgt AnnotationCartesianRenderer AttributeChangeEvent DataKey LayerControl NegativeLogException gov.noaa.pmel.sgt.demo JLogLogDemo BeanDemo Annotation Annote SGT3DVector gov.noaa.pmel.sgt.swing.prop ColorDialog ColorEntryPanel RulerDialog gov.noaa.pmel.swing FocusableSwatch MRJUtil Swatch SwatchGroup ThreeDotsButton ThreeDotsIcon gov.noaa.pmel.util EPICSystem GeoDateArray SimpleFileFilter New Methods and Constructors: ----------------------------- For details see the JavaDoc. gov.noaa.pmel.sgt AbstractPane new fields DEFAULT_SCALE TO_FIT SHRINK_TO_FIT new methods Object[] getObjectsAt(int x,int y), Object[] getObjectsAt(Point pt) Point getZoomStart() void setMouseEventsEnabled(boolean en) boolean isMouseEventsEnabled() void setPageScaleMode(int mode) int getPageScaleMode() Attribute new methods void setId(String id) String getId() void setBatch(boolean batch) void setBatch(boolean batch, boolean local) boolean isBatch() Axis new methods void setLineColor(Color color) Color getLineColor() AxisTransform new constructors AxisTransform(double p1, double p2, long t1, long t2) new methods double getTransP(long t) long getLongTimeTransU(double p) CLIndexedColorMap new methods Color getColorByIndex(int indx) CartesianGraph new methods void setClip(long tmin, long tmax, double min, double max) double getXUtoD2(double u) double getYUtoD2(double u) double getXUtoP(long t) double getYUtoP(long t) int getXUtoD(long t) int getYUtoD(long t) double getXUtoD2(GeoDate t) double getYUtoD2(GeoDate t) double getXUtoD2(long t) double getYUtoD2(long t) int getXUtoD(SoTValue val) int getYUtoD(SoTValue val) double getXUtoD2(SoTValue val) double getYUtoD2(SoTValue val) double getXUtoP(SoTValue val) double getYUtoP(SoTValue val) SoTValue getXPtoSoT(double p) SoTValue getYPtoSoT(double p) long getXPtoLongTime(double p) long getYPtoLongTime(double p) SoTPoint getPtoU(Point2D.Double loc) SGTData getDataAt(Point pt) CartesianRenderer new methdos SGTData getDataAt(int x, int y) SGTData getDataAt(Point pt) ColorKey Fixed vertical orientation. new constructor ColorKey(Point2D.Double pt, Dimension2D size, int valign, int halign) new methods void addGraph(CartesianRenderer rend, SGLabel label) void setColumns(int col) void setLineLengthP(double len) ColorMap new methods void setBatch(boolean batch) void setBatch(boolean batch, boolean local) boolean isBatch() Graph new methods SGTData getDataAt(Point pt) GridAttribute new methods void setId(String id) String getId() void setBatch(boolean batch) void setBatch(boolean batch, boolean local) boolean isBatch() GridCartesianRenderer new methdos SGTData getDataAt(Point pt) - unimplemented IndexedColor new methods Color getColorByIndex(int index) IndexedColorMap new methods Color getColorByIndex(int index) JPane new methods String getVersion() Point getZoomStart() Object[] getObjectsAt(int x, int y) Object[] getObjectsAt(Point pt) void setMouseEventsEnabled(boolean enable) boolean isMouseEventsEnabled() void setPageScaleMode(int mode) int getPageScaleMode() Layer new methods double getXPtoD2(double xp) double getYPtoD2(double yp) LayerChild findChild(String id) Iterator childIterator() LayerChild[] getChildren() Object[] getObjectsAt(int x, int y, boolean check) LayerContainer - unimplemented LayerStack - unimplemented LineAttribute new methods boolean equals(Object obj) void setId(String id) String getId() void setBatch(boolean batch) void setBatch(boolean batch, boolean local) boolean isBatch() LineCartesianRenderer new methods SGTData getDataAt(Point pt) - unimplemented LineKey new methods void addGraph(CartesianRenderer rend, SGLabel label) LinearTransform new methods double getTransP(long t) long getLongTimeTransU(double p) LogAxis - new implementation LogTransform - new implementation Pane mew methods String getVersion() Point getZoomStart() Object[] getObjectsAt(int x, int y) Object[] getObjectsAt(point pt) void setMouseEventsEnabled(boolean enable) boolean isMouseEventsEnabled() void setPageScaleMode(int mode) int getPageScaleMode() PaneProxy new methods String getVersion() Object[] getObjectsAt(int x, int y) void setMouseEventsEnabled(boolean enable) boolean isMouseEventsEnabled() PointAttribute new methods boolean equals(Object obj) void setId(String id) String getId() void setBatch(boolean batch) void setBatch(boolean batch, boolean local) boolean isBatch() PointCartesianRenderer new methods SGTData getDataAt(Point pt) - unimplemented PointCollectionKey new methods void addGraph(CartesianRenderer rend, SGLabel label) Ruler new methods int getLabelInterval() void setLabelInterval(int interval) int getSignificantDigits() void setSignificantDigist(int sig) String getLabelFormat() void setLabelFormat(String format) Color getLabelColor() void setLabelColor(Color color) Color getLineColor() void setLineColor(Color color) SGLabel new methods boolean equals(Object obj) VectorAttribute new methods void setId(String id) String getId() void setBatch(boolean batch) void setBatch(boolean batch, boolean local) boolean isBatch() VectorCartesianRenderer new methods SGTData getDataAt(Point pt) - unimplemented VectorKey new methods void setLineLengthP(double len) void addGraph(CartesianRenderer rend, SGLabel label) gov.noaa.pmel.sgt.beans all new package gov.noaa.pmel.sgt.contour gov.noaa.pmel.sgt.demo SGTGrid new methods GeoDateArray getGeoDateArray() GeoDateArray getGeoDateArrayEdges() SGTLine new methods GeoDateArray getGeoDateArray() SGTPoint new methods long getLongTime() SGTTuple SGTVector SimpleGrid new methods GeoDateArray getGeoDateArray() GeoDateArray getGeoDateArrayEdges() void setTimeEdges(GeoDateArray tarray) void setTimeArray(GeoDateArray tarray) SimpleLine new constructor SimpleLine(GeoDateArray tloc, double[] yloc, String title) SimpleLine(double[] xloc, GeoDateArray tloc, String title) new methods GeoDateArray getGeoDateArray() void setTimeArray(GeodDateArray tarray) SimplePoint new constructor SimplePoint(SoTPoint loc, String title) new methods long getLongTime() void setTime(GeoDate date) void setTime(long t) SimpleTuple new methods void setXArray(GeoDateArray tArray) void setYArray(GeoDateArray tArray) GeoDateArray getGeoDateArray() gov.noaa.pmel.sgt.swing Draggable new method void setLocation(Point loc, boolean fireEvent) JGraphicLayout new methods Attribute findAttribute(String id) void setAllClip(long tmin, long tmax, double min, double max) JPlotLayout new methods SoTDomain getGraphDomain() UserIcon new methods SoTPoint getLocationU() void setLocationUNoVeto(SoTPoint loc) void setLocationU(SoTPoint loc) ValueIcon new methods SoTPoint getLocationU() void setLocationUNoVeto(SoTPoint loc) void setLocationU(SoTPoint loc) ValueIconFormat new methods void setTimeFormat(String tfrmt) String format(SoTPoint pt) gov.noaa.pmel.sgt.swing.prop gov.noaa.pmel.swing SelectTimeDialog new method void setRange(long min, long max) gov.noaa.pmel.util Domain new constructors Domain(Range2D xRange, Range2D yrange, boolean xRev, boolean yRev) Domain(TimeRange tRange, Range2D yRange, boolean xRev, boolean yRev) Domain(Range2D xRange, TimeRange tRange, boolean xRev, boolean yRev) new methods void setYReversed(boolean rev) boolean isYReversed() void setXReversed(boolean rev) boolean isXReversed() Point2D new methods boolean equals(Object obj) Point2D copy() Rectangle2D new subclass Rectangle2D.Float new methods void setWidth(double w) double getWidth() void setHeight(double h) double getHeight() void setX(double x) double getX() void setY(double y) double getY() Rectangle2D copy() SoTDomain new constructor SoTDomain(SoTRange xRange, SoTRange yRange, boolean xRev, boolean yRev) new methods SoTPoint getCenter() void setXReversed(boolean rev) boolean isXReversed() void setYReversed(boolean rev) boolean isYReversed() SoTPoint new constructors SoTPoint(double x, long y) SoTPoint(long x, double y) new methods void setX(SoTValue x) void setY(SoTValue y) void add(SoTPoint point) SoTPoint copy() SoTRange new subclass SoTRange.Time SoTValue new sublcass SoTValue.Time new methods void add(SoTValue val) long getLongTime() GeoDate getGeoDate() TimeRange new constructor TimeRange(long start, long end, long delta)