FDA Logo U.S. Food and Drug AdministrationCenter for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

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CFSAN/Office of Food Safety, Defense, and Outreach
August 24, 2005; Updated February 28, 2006

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Video: Food Safety for Moms-To-Be

"What is Foodborne Illness -- and How Does It Affect Me and My Unborn Baby?" Food Safety for Moms-to-Be answers these questions and more! In just 20 minutes, you'll view all the need-to-know information on topics important to the health of moms-to-be and their unborn babies.

Video sobre la seguridad alimentaria para futuras mamás

¿Qué son las enfermedades transmitidas por los alimentos y cómo me pueden afectar a mí y a mi bebé?
¡ La Seguridad Alimentaria para las Futuras Mamás responde a estás y muchas otras preguntas! En tan sólo 20 minutos podra ver toda la información que necesita en temas importantes para la salud de las mamás y sus bebés por nacer.

(In English and Spanish / En inglés y en español)

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Note: Although the downloadable files linked here are compressed to the maximum capability of standard compression software, it is to be understood that video is inherently a very data-intensive medium. Therefore, these files are very large (approximately 20 Megabytes each) and they will take an extremely long time to download over a dial-up connection (over 45 min. at 56k dial-up speed). If you do not have broadband access (cable modem, DSL, T1, etc.), we strongly recommend you view the streaming video optimized for modem speed.

For information about food safety, call the FDA's Food Information Line at: 1-888-SAFE-FOOD.