FDA Logo U.S. Food and Drug AdministrationCenter for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
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Video Library *

Food Safety Videos from FDA

* Food Protection Plan

* Food Protection Plan Overview 11/07
Windows Media Player: 56K | 150K | 300K;    Real Player: 56K | 150K | 300K;    Audio Only (MP3)

* Food Protection Plan Press Conference 11/07
Windows Media Player: 56K | 150K | 300K;    Real Player: 56K | 150K | 300K;    Audio Only (MP3)

* Produce Safety: A Global Concern Training Video 8/07 (captioned) (also available in Chinese, French, Japanese, Korean and Spanish)
(FDA) (30:19 min)

* FDA's Role in the U.S. Food Safety System Training Video 8/07 (captioned) (also available in Chinese, French, Japanese, Korean and Spanish)
(FDA) (32:35 min)

* Application of Risk Analysis to Food Safety Training Video 8/07 (captioned) (also available in Chinese, French, Japanese, Korean and Spanish)
(FDA) (40:33 min)

* Dr. X and the Quest for Food Safety Interactive Video 5/01
(FDA) (46:00 min.)

* Reducing Risk Factors at Retail and Food Service Satellite Broadcast 11/06
(FDA) (2:30 hrs.)

* Food Safety for Moms-to-Be 8/05 (captioned) (also available in Spanish)
(FDA)(17:40 min)

* Food Safety: An Educational Video for Institutional Food Service Workers 4/96
Provides food safety advice for food service personnel who serve the very young and very old in nursing homes, day care facilities and hospitals
(FDA)(9:53 min)

Other Videos from CFSAN

* Food Defense

* Food Defense, CARVER+Shock Training Video 8/07 (captioned) (also available in Chinese, French, Japanese, Korean and Spanish)
(FDA) (48:00 min)

* CARVER + Shock Software Tool Testimonial Video (captioned) 6/07
(FDA) (6:17 min.)

* Food Labeling and Nutrition

* Requirements for Labeling on Food & Dietary Supplements, Nutrition Labeling, & Allergen Labeling Training Video 8/07 (captioned) (also available in Chinese, French, Japanese, Korean and Spanish)
(FDA) (24:00 min)

* Spot the Block: Using the Nutrition Facts Label to Make Healthy Food Choices -- A Program for Tweens 6/07
(FDA) (30 sec.)

* The Food Label and You 1996
Demonstrates how consumers can quickly and easily use the food label.
(FDA) (7:30 min)

* Protecting The Food Supply: FDA Actions on New Bioterrorism Legislation
Title III of the Public Health Security and Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response Act of 2002

* Food Allergens

* Conducting Food Allergen Inspections Satellite Broadcast 10/01
(FDA) (45:25 min. total)

* The FDA, Food Allergens, and You 11/00
(FDA)(35:13 min)

Food Safety Videos from FDA/USDA and Partnerships

* Regional Outreach Conference on Food Safety: Food Safety Initiatives Influencing Public Health and Trade 9/99
Video Teleconference, Mexico City

* Assuring Safer Produce 5/99 (captioned) (also available in French; Portuguese; Spanish)
Introduces the President's Food Safety Initiatives
(FDA/USDA)(6:10 min)

* Fight BAC! Public Service Announcement (captioned)
(Partnership for Food Safety Education)(30 sec)

* Food Safety Educator's Kit for Grades 4-6
(Partnership for Food Safety Education)(5:25 min)

Food Safety Videos from other Government Agencies

If you experience any problems receiving these videos, please let us know.

* Note: These videos require:

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