Food Protection Plan Overview 11/07
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Food Protection Plan Press Conference 11/07
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Audio Only (MP3)
Produce Safety: A Global Concern Training Video 8/07
(also available in Chinese,
Japanese, Korean and Spanish)
(FDA) (30:19 min)
FDA's Role in the U.S. Food Safety System Training Video 8/07
(also available in Chinese,
Japanese, Korean and Spanish)
(FDA) (32:35 min)
Application of Risk Analysis to Food Safety Training Video 8/07
(also available in Chinese,
Japanese, Korean and Spanish)
(FDA) (40:33 min)
Dr. X and the Quest for Food
Safety Interactive Video 5/01
(FDA) (46:00 min.)
Reducing Risk Factors at Retail and Food Service Satellite Broadcast 11/06
(FDA) (2:30 hrs.)
Food Safety for Moms-to-Be 8/05
(also available in Spanish)
(FDA)(17:40 min)
Food Safety: An Educational Video for Institutional Food Service
Provides food safety advice for food service personnel who serve the
very young and very old in nursing homes, day care facilities and hospitals
(FDA)(9:53 min)
Food Defense, CARVER+Shock
Training Video 8/07
(also available in Chinese,
Japanese, Korean and Spanish)
(FDA) (48:00 min)
CARVER + Shock Software Tool Testimonial Video
(captioned) 6/07
(FDA) (6:17 min.)
Requirements for Labeling on Food & Dietary Supplements, Nutrition
Labeling, & Allergen Labeling Training Video
(also available in Chinese,
Japanese, Korean and Spanish)
(FDA) (24:00 min)
Spot the Block: Using the Nutrition Facts Label to Make Healthy Food Choices -- A Program for Tweens 6/07
(FDA) (30 sec.)
The Food Label and You 1996
Demonstrates how consumers can quickly and easily use the food label.
(FDA) (7:30 min)
Overview of Bioterrorism Act Establishment and Maintenance of Records Final Rule
(FDA) (2:24 hrs)
FDA's Implementation of the Bioterrorism Act: An update with Leslye Fraser
(FDA) (27:22 min)
Registration of Food Facilities and Prior Notice of Imported Food Shipments
Satellite Broadcast 10/03
(FDA) (1:43 hrs.)
Establishment and Maintenance of Records & Administrative Detention Satellite Broadcast
(FDA) (1:57 hrs.)
Conducting Food Allergen Inspections
Satellite Broadcast 10/01
(FDA) (45:25 min. total)
The FDA, Food Allergens, and You 11/00
(FDA)(35:13 min)
Regional Outreach Conference on Food Safety:
Food Safety Initiatives Influencing Public Health and Trade
Video Teleconference, Mexico City
Assuring Safer Produce
5/99 (captioned)
(also available in
Introduces the President's Food Safety Initiatives
(FDA/USDA)(6:10 min)
BAC! Public Service Announcement (captioned)
(Partnership for Food Safety Education)(30 sec)
Food Safety Educator's Kit for Grades 4-6
(Partnership for Food Safety Education)(5:25 min)
If you experience any problems receiving these videos, please let us know.
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