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Healthy People 2010 Progress Review
Focus Area 18: Mental Health & Mental Disorders

Goal: Improve mental health and ensure access to appropriate, quality mental health services.

bulletHealthy People 2010 Mental Health Objectives

bulletMental Health Data

bulletProgress Review

bulletChallenges & Strategies (PDF format)

bulletSummary Power Point Presentation


bulletCo-Lead Agencies:


  Data: Mental Health


bulletHealthy People Mental Health Data  in Excel Spreadsheets- each objective is in a separate worksheet, check the tabs at the bottom of the spreadsheet for the trend data on each objective number.

bulletOther Reports on Mental Health


  Mental Health Objectives: Healthy People 2010


bulletHealthy People 2010 Mental Health Objectives:  Specifics  (Word Document)

bulletRelated Objectives from Other Focus Areas

bulletHealthy People 2010 Mental Health Objectives Overview:

Mental Health Status Improvement:

18-1:  Suicide

18-2:  Adolescent suicide attempts

18-3: Serious mental illness (SMI) among homeless adults

18-4: Employment of persons with SMI

18-5: Eating disorder relapses

Treatment Expansion:

18-6: Primary care screening and assessment

18-7: Treatment for children with mental health problems

18-8: Juvenile justice facility screening

18-9: Treatment for adults with mental disorders

18-10: Treatment for co-occurring disorders

18-11: Adult jail diversion programs

State Activities:

18-12: State tracking of consumer satisfaction

18-13: State plans addressing cultural competence

18-14: State plans addressing elderly persons

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This page was last updated on March 28, 2006. 

SAMHSA, an agency in the Department of Health and Human Services, is the Federal Government's lead agency for improving the quality and availability of substance abuse prevention, addiction treatment, and mental health services in the United States.

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