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e-CFR Data is current as of August 21, 2009

Title 17: Commodity and Securities Exchanges

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Section Contents
§ 37.1   Scope and definition.
§ 37.2   Exemption.
§ 37.3   Requirements for underlying commodities.
§ 37.4   Election to trade excluded and exempt commodities.
§ 37.5   Procedures for registration.
§ 37.6   Compliance with core principles.
§ 37.7   Additional requirements.
§ 37.8   Information relating to transactions on derivatives transaction execution facilities.
§ 37.9   Enforceability.
Appendix A to Part 37—Guidance on Compliance With Registration Criteria
Appendix B to Part 37—Guidance on Compliance With Core Principles

Authority:   7 U.S.C. 2, 5, 6, 6c, 6(c), 7a and 12a, as amended by appendix E of Pub. L. 106–554, 114 Stat. 2763A–365.

Source:   66 FR 42271, Aug. 10, 2001, unless otherwise noted.

§ 37.1   Scope and definition.

(a) Scope. The provisions of this part apply to any board of trade operating as or applying to become registered as a derivatives transaction execution facility under Sections 5a and 6 of the Act.

(b) Definition. As used in this part, the term “eligible commercial entity” means, and shall include, in addition to a party or entity so defined in section 1a(11) of the Act, a registered floor trader or floor broker trading for its own account, whose trading obligations are guaranteed by a registered futures commission merchant.

[66 FR 42271, Aug. 10, 2001, as amended at 71 FR 1962, Jan. 12, 2006]

§ 37.2   Exemption.

Contracts, agreements or transactions traded on a derivatives transaction execution facility registered as such with the Commission under section 5a of the Act, the facility and the facility's operator are exempt from all Commission regulations for such activity, except for the requirements of this part 37 and:

(a) Parts 15 through 21, part 40 and part 41 of this chapter, including any related definitions and cross-referenced sections; and

(b) Sections 1.3, 1.31, 1.59(d), 1.60, 1.63(c), 33.10, and part 190 of this chapter, including any related definitions and cross-referenced sections, which are applicable as though they were set forth in this part 37 and included specific reference to derivatives transaction execution facilities.

[71 FR 37822, July 3, 2006]

§ 37.3   Requirements for underlying commodities.

(a) Trading facilities limited to eligible traders. Trading facilities limited to eligible traders as defined by section 5a(b)(3) of the Act, may trade any contract of sale of a commodity for future delivery (or option on such a contract) on any of the following underlying commodities:

(1) Commodities having—

(i) A nearly inexhaustible deliverable supply;

(ii) A deliverable supply that is sufficiently large that the contract is highly unlikely to be susceptible to the threat of manipulation; or

(iii) No cash market;

(2) Commodities that are a security futures product, and the registered derivatives transaction execution facility is a national securities exchange registered under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934;

(3) Commodities for which the Commission has determined, based on the market characteristics and surveillance history, and the self-regulatory record and capacity of the facility, that trading in the contract (or option) based on that commodity is highly unlikely to be susceptible to the threat of manipulation; or

(4) Commodities that are agricultural commodities enumerated in section 1a(4) of the Act that have been so approved by the Commission under the procedures of paragraph (c) of this section.

(b) The commodities that meet the criteria of paragraph (a)(1) of this section are the commodities defined in section 1a(13) of the Act as “excluded commodities.”

(c) The Commission may make the determination described in paragraph (a)(3) of this section by rule, regulation or order, after notice and an opportunity for a hearing through submission of written data, views and arguments. A registered derivatives transaction execution facility may request that the Commission make such an individualized determination by filing with the Secretary of the Commission at its Washington, DC headquarters a petition that includes:

(1) The terms and conditions of the product to be listed; and

(2) A demonstration, supported by data, that the underlying commodity has a sufficiently liquid and deep cash market and a surveillance history based on actual trading experience and in light of any self-regulatory undertakings of the facility, to provide assurance that the contract or product is highly unlikely to be manipulated. The demonstration should address the following specific factors to the extent that the factor is not self-evident:

(i) A high level of cash-market liquidity;

(ii) Cash-market bid-ask spreads that are narrow relative to traded values;

(iii) Relatively frequent cash market transactions involving participants that represent major segments of the industry;

(iv) The absence of material impediments to participation in the cash market by commercial entities;

(v) Transfer of ownership of the cash commodity that is easily and readily accomplished at minimal cost;

(vi) A pattern of cash market pricing that exhibits continuity and the absence of frequent, sharp price changes such that a person cannot readily move materially the price of the product in normal cash market channels;

(vii) A history of actual trading experience that the contract or product's terms and conditions provide for a deliverable supply, or a reliable and acceptable cash-settlement procedure, that is adequate to minimize the threat of market abuses such as price manipulation and distortions, congestion, and defaults; and

(viii) Procedures to effectively oversee the market, including a large trader reporting system, as well as a history of active surveillance to prevent or mitigate market problems.

(d) Trading facilities limited to eligible commercial entities. Any commodity, other than the agricultural commodities enumerated in section 1a(4) of the Act, is eligible under section 5a(b)(2)(F) of the Act to be traded on a derivatives transaction execution facility that limits participants on the facility to eligible commercial entities as defined by §37.1(b) trading for their own account. Provided, however, an agricultural commodity enumerated in section 1a(4) of the Act may be so approved by the Commission under the procedures of paragraph (c) of this section.

(e) Enumerated agricultural commodities. [Reserved]

[66 FR 42271, Aug. 10, 2001, as amended at 71 FR 1963, Jan. 12, 2006]

§ 37.4   Election to trade excluded and exempt commodities.

A board of trade that is or elects to become a registered derivatives transaction execution facility may, pursuant to section 5a(g) of the Act, trade agreements, contracts, or transactions that are excluded or exempt from the Act pursuant to sections 2(c), 2(d), 2(g), or 2(h).

§ 37.5   Procedures for registration.

(a) Notification by contract markets. (1) To operate as a registered derivatives transaction execution facility pursuant to section 5a of the Act, a board of trade that is designated as a contract market, which is not a dormant contract market as defined in §40.1 of this chapter, must:

(i) Notify the Commission of its intent to so operate by filing with the Secretary of the Commission at its Washington, DC, headquarters a copy of the facility's rules (as defined in §40.1 of this chapter) or a list of the designated contract market's rules that apply to the operation of the derivatives transaction execution facility, and a certification by the contract market that it meets:

(A) The requirements for trading of section 5a(b) of the Act; and

(B) The criteria for registration under section 5a(c) of the Act.

(ii) Comply with the core principles for operation under section 5a(d) of the Act and the provisions of this part 37.

(2) Before using the notification procedure of paragraph (a)(1)(i) of this section for registration as a derivatives transaction execution facility, a dormant contract market, as defined in §40.1 of this chapter, must reinstate its designation under §38.3(a)(3) of this chapter.

(b) Application Procedures . (1) Statutory (180-day) review procedures . A board of trade desiring to be registered as a derivatives transaction execution facility shall file an application for registration with the Secretary of the Commission at its Washington, DC, headquarters. Except as provided under the 90-day review procedures described in paragraph (b)(2) of this section, the Commission will review the application for registration as a derivatives transaction execution facility pursuant to the 180-day timeframe and procedures specified in section 6(a) of the Act. The Commission shall approve or deny the application or, if deemed appropriate, register the applicant as a derivatives transaction execution facility subject to conditions.

(i) The applicant must demonstrate that it satisfies the requirements for trading and the criteria for registration of sections 5a(b) and 5a(c) of the Act, respectively, and the provisions of this part 37.

(ii) The application must include the following:

(A) The derivatives transaction execution facility's rules (as defined in §40.1 of this chapter);

(B) Any technical manuals and other guides or instructions for users of such facility, descriptions of any system test procedures, tests conducted or test results, descriptions of the trading mechanism or algorithm used or to be used by such facility, and contingency or disaster recovery plans;

(C) A copy of any documents describing the applicant's legal status and governance structure;

(D) An executed or executable copy of any agreements or contracts entered into or to be entered into by the applicant, including partnership or limited liability company, third-party regulatory service, or member or user agreements, that enable or empower the applicant to comply with a requirement for trading or a registration criterion (final, executed copies of such documents must be submitted prior to registration);

(E) A copy of any manual or other document describing, with specificity, the manner in which the applicant will conduct trade practice, market and financial surveillance;

(F) A document that describes the manner in which the applicable items in §37.5(b)(1)(ii)(A) through (E) enable or empower the applicant to comply with each requirement for trading and registration criterion (a regulatory chart); and

(G) To the extent that any of the items in §37.5(b)(1)(ii)(A) through (E) raise issues that are novel, or for which compliance with a requirement for trading or condition for registration is not self-evident, an explanation of how that item and the application satisfy the requirements for trading and registration criteria.

(iii) The applicant must identify with particularity information in the application that will be subject to a request for confidential treatment pursuant to §145.9 of this chapter.

(2) Ninety-day review procedures . A board of trade desiring to be registered as a derivatives transaction execution facility may request that its application be reviewed on an expedited basis and that the applicant be registered as a derivatives transaction execution facility not later than 90 days after the date of receipt of the application for registration by the Secretary of the Commission. The 90-day period shall begin on the first business day (during the business hours defined in §40.1 of this chapter) that the Commission is in receipt of the application. Unless the Commission notifies the applicant during the 90-day period that the expedited review has been terminated pursuant to §37.5(c), the Commission will register the applicant as a derivatives transaction execution facility during the 90-day period. If deemed appropriate by the Commission, the registration may be subject to such conditions as the Commission may stipulate.

(i) The applicant must demonstrate that it satisfies the requirements for trading and the criteria for registration of sections 5a(b) and 5a(c) of the Act, respectively, and the provisions of this part 37;

(ii) The application must include the items described in §37.5(b)(1)(ii) and (iii); and

(iii) The applicant must not amend or supplement the application, except as requested by the Commission or for correction of typographical errors, renumbering or other nonsubstantive revisions, during the 90-day review period.

(c) Termination of 90-day review. (1) During the 90-day period for review pursuant to paragraph (b)(2) of this section, the Commission shall notify the applicant seeking registration that the Commission is terminating review under this section, and will review the application under the 180-day time period and procedures of section 6(a) of the Act, if it appears to the Commission that the application:

(i) Is materially incomplete;

(ii) Fails in form or substance to meet the requirements of this part;

(iii) Raises novel or complex issues that require additional time for review; or

(iv) Is amended or supplemented in a manner that is inconsistent with §37.5(b)(2)(iii).

(2) The Commission shall also terminate review under this section if requested in writing to do so by the applicant.

(3) The termination notification shall identify the deficiencies in the application that render it incomplete, the manner in which the application fails to meet the requirements of this part, the novel or complex issues that require additional time for review, or the amendment or supplement that is inconsistent with §37.5(b)(2)(iii).

(d) Reinstatement of dormant registration. Before listing products for trading, a dormant derivatives transaction execution facility as defined in §40.1 must reinstate its registration under the procedures of paragraphs (a)(1), (b)(1) or (b)(2) of this section; provided, however, that an application for reinstatement may rely upon previously submitted materials that still pertain to, and accurately describe, current conditions.

(e) Delegation of authority. (1) The Commission hereby delegates, until it orders otherwise, to the Director of the Division of Market Oversight or such other employee or employees as the Director may designate from time to time, with the concurrence of the General Counsel or the General Counsel's delegate, authority to notify the applicant seeking registration under section 6(a) of the Act that the application is materially incomplete and the running of the 180-day period is stayed or that the 90-day review under paragraph (b)(2) of this section is terminated.

(2) The Director may submit to the Commission for its consideration any matter that has been delegated in this paragraph.

(3) Nothing in this paragraph prohibits the Commission, at its election, from exercising the authority delegated in paragraph (e)(1) of this section.

(f) Request for withdrawal of application for registration. An applicant for registration may withdraw its application submitted pursuant to paragraph (b)(1) or (b)(2) of this section by filing such a request with the Commission at its Washington, DC, headquarters. Withdrawal of an application for registration shall not affect any action taken or to be taken by the Commission based upon actions, activities or events occurring during the time that the application for registration was pending with the Commission.

(g) Request for vacation of registration. A registered derivatives transaction execution facility may vacate its registration under section 7 of the Act by filing such a request with the Commission at its Washington, DC, headquarters. Vacation of registration shall not affect any action taken or to be taken by the Commission based upon actions, activities or events occurring during the time that the facility was registered by the Commission.

(h) Guidance for applicants. Appendix A to this part provides guidance on how the registration criteria in section 5a(c) of the Act can be satisfied.

[69 FR 67815, Nov. 22, 2004]

§ 37.6   Compliance with core principles.

(a) In general. To maintain registration as a derivatives transaction execution facility upon commencing operations by listing products for trading or otherwise, or for a dormant derivatives transaction execution facility as defined in §40.1 of this chapter that has been reinstated under §37.5(d) upon recommencing operations by relisting products for trading or otherwise, and on a continuing basis thereafter, the derivatives transaction execution facility must have the capacity to be, and be, in compliance with the core principles of Section 5a(d) of the Act.

(b) New and reinstated derivatives transaction execution facilities —(1) Certification of compliance. Unless an applicant for registration or for reinstatement of registration has chosen to make a voluntary demonstration under paragraph (b)(2) of this section, a newly registered derivatives transaction execution facility at the time it commences operations, or a dormant derivatives transaction execution facility as defined in §40.1 of this chapter at the time that it recommences operations, must certify to the Commission that it has the capacity to, and will, operate in compliance with the core principles under Section 5a(d) of the Act.

(2) Voluntary demonstration of compliance. An applicant for registration or for reinstatement of registration may choose to make a voluntary demonstration of its capacity to operate in compliance with the core principles. Such demonstration may be included in an application submitted pursuant to §37.5 of this part.

(i) The demonstration would include the following:

(A) The label, “Demonstration of Compliance with Core Principles for Operation”

(B) A document that describes the manner in which the applicant will comply with each core principle (such as a regulatory chart), which could cite to documents previously submitted including documents submitted pursuant to §37.5(b)(1)(ii)(A)–(E); and

(C) To the extent that any of the items in §37.5(b)(1)(ii)(A)–(E) raise issues that are novel, or for which compliance with a core principle is not self-evident, an explanation as to how that item and the application satisfy the core principle.

(ii) If it appears that the applicant has failed to make the requisite showing, the Commission will so notify the applicant at the end of that period. Upon commencement or recommencement of operations by the derivatives transaction execution facility, such a notice may be considered by the Commission in a determination to issue a notice of violation of core principles under Section 5c(d) of the Act.

(c) Existing derivatives transaction execution facilities —(1) In general. Upon request by the Commission, a registered derivatives transaction execution facility shall file with the Commission such data, documents and other information as the Commission may specify in its request that demonstrates that the registered derivatives transaction execution facility is in compliance with one or more core principles as specified in the request or that is requested by the Commission to enable the Commission to satisfy its obligations under the Act.

(2) Delegation of authority. The Commission hereby delegates, until it orders otherwise, the authority set forth in paragraph (c)(1) of this section to the Director of the Division of Market Oversight or such other employee or employees as the Director may designate from time to time. The Director may submit to the Commission for its consideration any matter that has been delegated in this paragraph. Nothing in this paragraph prohibits the Commission, at its election, from exercising the authority delegated in this paragraph.

(3) Change of owners. Upon a change of ownership of an existing registered derivatives transaction execution facility, the new owner shall file electronically with the Secretary of the Commission at its Washington, DC, headquarters, a certification that the derivatives transaction execution facility meets the requirements for trading and the criteria for registration of Sections 5a(b) and 5a(c) of the Act, respectively.

(d) Guidance regarding compliance with core principles. Appendix B to this part provides guidance to registered derivatives transaction execution facilities on compliance with the core principles under Section 5a(d) of the Act.

[71 FR 1963, Jan. 12, 2006]

§ 37.7   Additional requirements.

(a) Products. Notwithstanding the provisions of section 5c(c) of the Act and §40.2 of this chapter, derivatives transaction execution facilities need only notify the Commission of the listing of new products for trading, posting of new product descriptions, terms and conditions or trading protocols or providing for a new system product functionality, by filing with the Secretary of the Commission at its Washington, D.C. headquarters, a submission labeled “DTF Notice of Product Listing” that includes the text of the product's terms or conditions, product description, trading protocol or description of the system functionality or by electronic notification of the foregoing at the time traders or participants in the market are notified, but in no event later than the close of business on the business day preceding initial listing, posting or implementation of the trading protocol or system functionality.

(b) Material modifications. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 5c(c) of the Act, registered derivatives transaction execution facilities need not certify rules or rule amendments under §40.6 of this chapter, and must only notify the Commission prior to placing into effect or amending such a rule, (as defined in §40.1 of this chapter):

(1) By electronic notification to the Commission of the rule to be placed into effect or to be changed, in a format approved by the Secretary of the Commission, at the time traders or participants in the market are notified, but (unless taken as an emergency action) in no event later than the close of business on the business day preceding implementation. The submission notification shall be labeled “DTEF Rule Notices” and shall include the text of the rule or rule amendment (with deletions and additions indicated). Provided, however , the derivatives transaction execution facility need not notify the Commission of rules or rule amendments for which no certification is required under §40.6(c) of this chapter.

(2) The derivatives transaction execution facility must maintain documentation regarding all changes to rules, terms and conditions or trading protocols.

(c) Voluntary request for Commission approval of rules or products. (1) A board of trade or trading facility seeking to be registered as, or registered as, a derivatives transaction execution facility, may request that the Commission approve under section 5c(c) of the Act, any or all of its rules and subsequent amendments thereto, including both operational rules and the terms or conditions of products listed for trading on the facility, prior to their implementation or, notwithstanding the provisions of section 5c(c)(2) of the Act, at anytime thereafter, under the procedures of §§40.5 or 40.3 of this chapter, as applicable. A derivatives transaction execution facility may label a product in its rules as, “Listed for trading pursuant to Commission approval,” if the product and its terms or conditions have been approved by the Commission and it may label as, “Approved by the Commission,” only those rules that have been so approved.

(2) Notwithstanding the forty-five day review period for voluntary approval under §40.3(b) of this chapter, the operating rules and the terms and conditions of one product submitted for voluntary Commission approval under §40.3 of this chapter, that has been submitted with, and at the same time as, an application for registration as a derivatives transaction execution facility, will be deemed approved by the Commission thirty days after receipt by the Commission, or at the conclusion of such extended period as provided under §40.3(c) of this chapter.

(3) An applicant for registration, or a registered derivatives transaction execution facility may request that the Commission consider under the provisions of section 15(b) of the Act any of the derivatives transaction execution facility's rules or policies, including both operational rules and the terms or conditions of products listed for trading, at the time of registration or thereafter.

(d) Identify participants. Registered derivatives transaction execution facilities must keep a record in permanent form, which shall show the true name, address, and principal occupation or business of any foreign trader executing transactions on the facility. In addition, upon request, a derivatives transaction execution facility shall provide to the Commission information regarding the name of any person exercising control over the trading of such foreign trader. Provided, however, this paragraph shall not apply to a derivatives transaction execution facility insofar as transactions in futures or option contracts of foreign traders are executed through, or the resulting transactions are maintained in accounts carried by, a registered futures commission merchant or introduced by an introducing broker subject to §1.37 of this chapter.

(e) Identify persons subject to fitness requirement. Upon request by any representative of the Commission, a registered derivatives transaction execution facility shall furnish to the Commission's representative a current list of persons subject to the fitness requirements of section 5a(d)(6) of the Act.

[66 FR 42271, Aug. 10, 2001, as amended at 71 FR 1963, Jan. 12, 2006]

§ 37.8   Information relating to transactions on derivatives transaction execution facilities.

(a) Special calls for information from derivatives transaction execution facilities. Upon special call by the Commission, a registered derivatives transaction execution facility shall provide to the Commission such information related to its business as a derivatives transaction execution facility, including information relating to data entry and trade details, in the form and manner and within the time as specified by the Commission in the special call.

(b) Special calls for information from futures commission merchants or foreign brokers. Upon special call by the Commission, each person registered as a futures commission merchant or a foreign broker (as defined in §15.00 of this title) that carries or has carried an account for a customer on a derivatives transaction execution facility shall provide information to the Commission concerning such accounts or related positions carried for the customer on that or other facilities or markets, in the form and manner and within the time specified by the Commission in the special call.

(c) Special calls for information from participants. Upon special call by the Commission, any person who enters into or has entered into an agreement, contract or transaction on a derivatives transaction execution facility shall provide information to the Commission concerning such agreements, contracts or transactions or related agreements, contracts or transactions, or concerning related positions on other facilities or markets, in the form and manner and within the time specified by the Commission in the special call.

(d) Delegation of authority. The Commission hereby delegates, until the Commission orders otherwise, the authority set forth in paragraphs (a) through (c) of this section to the Directors of the Division of Clearing and Intermediary Oversight and separately to the Director of Market Oversight or such other employee or employees as the Directors may designate from time to time. The Directors may submit to the Commission for its consideration any matter that has been delegated in this paragraph. Nothing in this paragraph prohibits the Commission, at its election, from exercising the authority delegated in this paragraph.

[66 FR 42271, Aug. 10, 2001, as amended at 71 FR 1963, Jan. 12, 2006]

§ 37.9   Enforceability.

An agreement, contract or transaction entered into on, or pursuant to the rules of, a registered derivatives transaction execution facility shall not be void, voidable, subject to rescission or otherwise invalidated or rendered unenforceable as a result of:

(a) A violation by the registered derivatives transaction execution facility of the provisions of section 5a of the Act or this part 37; or

(b) Any Commission proceeding to alter or supplement a rule, term or condition under section 8a(7) of the Act or any other proceeding the effect of which is to disapprove, alter, supplement, or require a registered derivatives transaction execution facility to adopt a specific term or condition, trading rule or procedure, or to take or refrain from taking a specific action.

[66 FR 42271, Aug. 10, 2001, as amended at 67 FR 62352, Oct. 7, 2002]

Appendix A to Part 37—Guidance on Compliance With Registration Criteria

This appendix provides guidance on meeting the criteria for registration under Sections 5a(c) and 6 of the Act and this part, both initially and on an ongoing basis. The guidance following each registration criterion is illustrative only of the types of matters an applicant may address, as applicable, and is not intended to be used as a mandatory checklist. Addressing the issues and questions set forth in this appendix would help the Commission in its consideration of whether the application has met the criteria for registration. To the extent that compliance with, or satisfaction of, a criterion for registration is not self-explanatory from the face of the derivatives transaction execution facility's rules, (as defined in §40.1 of this chapter), the application should include an explanation or other form of documentation demonstrating that the applicant meets the registration criteria of Section 5a(c) of the Act and §37.5.

Registration Criterion 1 of section 5a(c) of the Act: IN GENERAL—To be registered as a registered derivatives transaction execution facility, the board of trade shall be required to demonstrate to the Commission only that the board of trade meets the criteria specified in §37.5(b).

A board of trade preparing to submit to the Commission an application to operate as a registered derivatives transaction execution facility is encouraged to contact Commission staff for guidance and assistance in preparing its application. Applicants may submit a draft application for review prior to the submission of an actual application without triggering the application review procedures of §37.5.

Registration Criterion 2 of section 5a(c) of the Act: DETERRENCE OF ABUSES—The board of trade shall establish and enforce trading and participation rules that will deter abuses and has the capacity to detect, investigate, and enforce those rules, including means to—(A) obtain information necessary to perform the functions required under this section; or (B) use technological means to—(i) provide market participants with impartial access to the market; and (ii) capture information that may be used in establishing whether rule violations have occurred.

An application of a board of trade to operate as a registered derivatives transaction execution facility should include arrangements and resources to deter abuses by effective and affirmative rule enforcement, including documentation of the facility's authority to do so; such trading and participation rules should be designed with adequate specificity. The submission should include documentation on the ability of the facility either to obtain necessary information or to provide market participants with impartial access and capture information for use in establishing possible rule violations.

Registration Criterion 3 of section 5a(c) of the Act: TRADING PROCEDURES—The board of trade shall establish and enforce rules or terms and conditions defining, or specifications detailing, trading procedures to be used in entering and executing orders traded on the facilities of the board of trade. The rules may authorize—(A) transfer trades or office trades; (B) an exchange of—(i) futures in connection with a cash commodity transaction; (ii) futures for cash commodities; or (iii) futures for swaps; or (C) a futures commission merchant, acting as principal or agent, to enter into or confirm the execution of a contract for the purchase or sale of a commodity for future delivery if the contract is reported, recorded, or cleared in accordance with the rules of the registered derivatives transaction execution facility or a derivatives clearing organization.

(a) A submission of a board of trade to operate as an electronic registered derivatives transaction execution facility should include the system's trade-matching algorithm and order entry procedures. A submission involving a trade-matching algorithm that is based on order priority factors other than on a best price/earliest time basis should include a brief explanation of the alternative algorithm.

(b) A board of trade's specifications on initial and periodic objective testing and review of proper system functioning, adequate capacity, and security for any automated systems should be included in its submission. The Commission believes that the guidelines issued by the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) in 1990 (which have been referred to as the “Principles for Screen-Based Trading Systems”), and adopted by the Commission on November 21, 1990 (55 FR 48670), as supplemented in October 2000, are appropriate guidelines for an electronic trading facility to apply to electronic trading systems. Any program of objective testing and review of the system should be performed by a qualified independent professional (but not necessarily a third-party contractor).

(c) A registered derivatives transaction execution facility that authorizes transfer trades or office trades, an exchange of futures for physicals or futures for swaps, or any other non-competitive transactions, including block trades, should have rules particularly authorizing such transactions and establishing appropriate recordkeeping requirements. Block trading rules should ensure that the block trading does not operate in a manner that compromises the integrity of the prices or price discovery on the relevant market.

Registration Criterion 4 of section 5a(c) of the Act: FINANCIAL INTEGRITY OF TRANSACTIONS—The board of trade shall establish and enforce rules or terms and conditions providing for the financial integrity of transactions entered on or through the facilities of the board of trade, and rules or terms and conditions to ensure the financial integrity of any futures commission merchants and introducing brokers and the protection of customer funds.

(a) A board of trade operating as a registered derivatives transaction execution facility should provide for the financial integrity of transactions by setting appropriate minimum financial standards for members and non-intermediated market participants, appropriate margin forms, and appropriate default rules and procedures. If cleared, agreements, contracts and transactions in excluded or exempt commodities that are traded on a DTF may be cleared through clearing organizations other than DCOs registered with the Commission. The Commission believes ensuring and enforcing the financial integrity of transactions and intermediaries, and the protection of customer funds should include monitoring compliance with the facility's minimum financial standards. In order to monitor for minimum financial requirements, a facility should routinely receive and promptly review financial and related information.

(b) A registered derivatives transaction execution facility that allows customers that qualify as “eligible traders” under the definition found in section 5a(b)(3) of the Act only by trading through a registered futures commission merchant pursuant to section 5a(b)(3)(B), should have rules concerning the protection of customer funds that address appropriate minimum financial standards for intermediaries, the segregation of customer and proprietary funds, the custody of customer funds, the investment standards for customer funds, related recordkeeping procedures and related intermediary default procedures.

[66 FR 42271, Aug. 10, 2001, as amended at 71 FR 1964, Jan. 12, 2006]

Appendix B to Part 37—Guidance on Compliance With Core Principles

1. This appendix provides guidance on complying with the core principles in order to maintain registration under Section 5a(d) of the Act and this part. This guidance is illustrative only and is not intended to be used as a mandatory checklist.

2. If a registered derivatives transaction execution facility chooses to certify that it has the capacity to, and upon initiation will, operate in compliance with the core principles under section 5a(d) of the Act and §37.6, it should consider the issues set forth in this appendix prior to certification.

3. Alternatively, if an applicant for registration or for reinstatement of registration under §37.6(b)(2) chooses to provide the Commission with a demonstration of its compliance with core principles, addressing the issues set forth in this appendix would help the Commission in its consideration of such compliance. To the extent that compliance with, or satisfaction of, the core principles is not self-explanatory from the face of the derivatives transaction execution facility's rules, (as defined in §40.1 of this chapter) a submission under §37.6(b)(2) should include an explanation or other form of documentation demonstrating that the derivatives transaction execution facility complies with the core principles.

Core Principle 1 of section 5a(d) of the Act: IN GENERAL—To maintain the registration of a board of trade as a derivatives transaction execution facility, a board of trade shall comply with the core principles specified in this appendix.

The board of trade shall have reasonable discretion in establishing the manner in which the board of trade complies with the core principles. A board of trade newly registered to operate as a derivatives transaction execution facility must certify or satisfactorily demonstrate its capacity to operate in compliance with the core principles under section 5a(d) of the Act prior to the commencement of its operations. The Commission also may require that a board of trade operating as a registered derivatives transaction execution facility demonstrate to the Commission that it is operating in compliance with one or more core principles.

Core Principle 2 of section 5a(d) of the Act: COMPLIANCE WITH RULES—The board of trade shall monitor and enforce the rules of the facility, including any terms and conditions of any contracts traded on or through the facility and any limitations on access to the facility.

(a) A board of trade operating as a registered derivatives transaction execution facility should have arrangements, resources and authority to detect and deter abuses by effectively and affirmatively enforcing its rules (which, in the case of a facility that restricts traders to eligible commercial entities, may be the effective monitoring of limitations on access to the facility), including the authority and ability to collect or capture information and documents on both a routine and non-routine basis and to investigate effectively possible rule violations.

(b) This should include the authority and ability to discipline, limit or suspend, and/or terminate activities or access of a member, including members with trading privileges but having no, or only nominal equity, in the facility and non-member market participants or, in the case of a derivatives transaction execution facility restricting its traders to eligible commercial entities, the authority and ability to terminate activities or access of such a member. In either case, any termination should be carried out pursuant to clear and fair standards that are available and transparent to the member or market participant.

Core Principle 3 of section 5a(d) of the Act: MONITORING OF TRADING—The board of trade shall monitor trading in the contracts of the facility to ensure orderly trading in the contract and to maintain an orderly market while providing any necessary trading information to the Commission to allow the Commission to discharge the responsibilities of the Commission under the Act.

(a) Arrangements and resources to detect and deter abuses through effective trade monitoring programs should facilitate, on both a routine and nonroutine basis, direct supervision of the market. Appropriate objective testing and review of any automated systems should occur initially and periodically to ensure proper system functioning, adequate capacity and security. The analysis of data collected should be suitable for the type of information collected and should occur in a timely fashion. A board of trade operating as a registered derivatives transaction execution facility should have the authority to collect the information and documents necessary to reconstruct trading for appropriate market analysis as it carries out its programs to ensure orderly trading and to maintain an orderly market. The facility also should have the authority to intervene as necessary to maintain an orderly market.

(b) Alternatively, if a board of trade operating as a registered derivatives transaction execution facility restricts contracts traded to those under §§37.3(a)(1) and 37.3(b), it may choose to satisfy this core principle by providing information to the Commission as requested by the Commission to satisfy its obligations under the Act. The facility should have the authority to collect or capture and retrieve all necessary information.

Core Principle 4 of section 5a(d) of the Act: DISCLOSURE OF GENERAL INFORMATION—The board of trade shall disclose publicly and to the Commission information concerning—(A) contract terms and conditions; (B) trading conventions, mechanisms, and practices; (C) financial integrity protections; and (D) other information relevant to participation in trading on the facility.

The Commission considers that the public disclosure of information required under the core principle refers to disclosure to market participants, where the facility's user agreement requires all market participants to keep such information confidential. A board of trade operating as a registered derivatives transaction execution facility should have arrangements and resources for the disclosure and explanation of contract terms and conditions, trading conventions, trading mechanisms, trading practices, system functioning, system capacity, and financial integrity protections, including whether eligible contract participants will have the right to opt out of segregation of customer funds. Such information may be made publicly available through the derivatives transaction execution facility's website. The facility should also, as appropriate to the market, make information regarding prices, bids and offers, or other information as determined by the Commission, readily available to market participants on a fair, equitable and timely basis. Furthermore, the facility should make available information concerning steps taken by the facility in response to an emergency.

Core Principle 5 of section 5a(d) of the Act: DAILY PUBLICATION OF TRADING INFORMATION—The board of trade shall make public daily information on settlement prices, volume, open interest, and opening and closing ranges for contracts traded on the facility if the Commission determines that the contracts perform a significant price discovery function for transactions in the cash market for the commodity underlying the contracts.

A board of trade operating as a registered derivatives transaction execution facility should provide to the public information regarding settlement prices, price range, trading volume, open interest and other related market information for all applicable contracts, as determined by the Commission. In making such determination, the Commission will consider whether a contract performs a significant price discovery function for transactions in the cash market for the commodity underlying the contract. The Commission will apply the same standards applicable to exempt boards of trade and exempt commercial markets (see §§36.2(b)(2) and 36.3(c)(2), respectively) whereby a market performs a significant price discovery function for transactions in the cash market for an underlying commodity if: (1) Cash market bids, offers or transactions are directly based on, or quoted at a differential to, the prices generated on the market on a more than occasional basis; or (2) the market's prices are routinely disseminated in a widely distributed industry publication and are routinely consulted by industry participants in pricing cash market transactions. In the event the Commission has reason to believe that a derivatives transaction execution facility may meet either of the foregoing standards, or if the facility holds itself out to the public as performing a price discovery function for the cash market for the underlying commodity, the Commission shall notify the facility that it appears to meet the criteria for performing a significant price discovery function under Core Principle 5. Before making a final price discovery determination under this core principle, the Commission shall provide the facility with an opportunity for a hearing through the submission of written data, views and arguments. After consideration of all relevant matters, the Commission shall issue an order containing its determination whether the requirement of the core principle on publication of trading information under Section 5a(d)(5) of the Act applies to a particular contract traded on a facility. Provision of information for any applicable contract could be through such means as providing the information to a financial information service or by placing the information on a facility's Web site. Such information shall be made available to the public without charge no later than the business day following the day to which the information pertains.

Core Principle 6 of section 5a(d): FITNESS STANDARDS—The board of trade shall establish and enforce appropriate fitness standards for directors, members of any disciplinary committee, members, and any other persons with direct access to the facility, including any parties affiliated with any of the persons described in this core principle.

A derivatives transaction execution facility should have appropriate eligibility criteria for the categories of persons set forth in the core principle that would include standards for fitness and for the collection and verification of information supporting compliance with such standards. Minimum standards of fitness for persons who have member voting privileges, governing obligations or responsibilities, or who exercise disciplinary authority are those bases for refusal to register a person under section 8a(2) of the Act. In addition, persons who have governing obligations or responsibilities, or who exercise disciplinary authority, should not have a significant history of serious disciplinary offenses, such as those that would be disqualifying under §1.63 of this chapter. Eligible contract participants or eligible commercial entities who are members but do not have these privileges, obligations, responsibilities or disciplinary authority could satisfy minimum fitness standards by meeting the standards that they must meet to qualify under the Act's respective definitions of eligible contract participants or eligible commercial entities. Natural persons who directly or indirectly have greater than a ten percent ownership interest in a facility should meet the fitness standards applicable to members with voting rights. A demonstration of the fitness of the applicant's directors, members, or natural persons who directly or indirectly have greater than a ten percent ownership interest in a facility may include providing the Commission with registration information for such persons, certification to the fitness of such persons, an affidavit of such persons' fitness by the facility's counsel or other information substantiating the fitness of such persons.

Core Principle 7 of section 5a(d) of the Act: CONFLICTS OF INTEREST—The board of trade shall establish and enforce rules to minimize conflicts of interest in the decision making process of the derivatives transaction execution facility and establish a process for resolving such conflicts of interest.

The means to address conflicts of interest in decision-making of a board of trade operating as a registered derivatives transaction execution facility should include methods to ascertain the presence of conflicts of interest and to make decisions in the event of such a conflict. The Commission also believes that a board of trade operating as a registered derivatives transaction execution facility should provide for appropriate limitations on the use or disclosure of material non-public information gained through the performance of official duties by board members, committee members and facility employees or gained through an ownership interest in the facility.

Core Principle 8 of section 5a(d) of the Act: RECORDKEEPING—The board of trade shall maintain records of all activities related to the business of the derivatives transaction execution facility in a form and manner acceptable to the Commission for a period of 5 years.

Section 1.31 of this chapter governs recordkeeping obligations under the Act and the Commission's regulations thereunder. In order to provide broad flexible performance standards for recordkeeping, §1.31 was updated and amended by the Commission in 1999. Accordingly, §1.31 itself establishes the guidance regarding the form and manner for keeping records.

Core Principle 9 of section 5a(d) of the Act: ANTITRUST CONSIDERATIONS—Unless necessary or appropriate to achieve the purposes of this Act, the board of trade shall endeavor to avoid—(A) adopting any rules or taking any actions that result in any unreasonable restraint of trade; or (B) imposing any material anticompetitive burden on trading on the derivatives transaction execution facility.

A board of trade seeking to operate as a registered derivatives transaction execution facility may request that the Commission consider under the provisions of section 15(b) of the Act any of the board of trade's rules, which may be trading protocols or policies, and including both operational rules and the terms or conditions of products listed for trading, at the time it submits its registration application or thereafter. The Commission intends to apply section 15(b) of the Act to its consideration of issues under this core principle in a manner consistent with that previously applied to contract markets.

[66 FR 42271, Aug. 10, 2001, as amended at 71 FR 1964, Jan. 12, 2006]

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