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Life Table Analysis System

Installation Instructions


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These instructions describe how to install LTAS.NET from the NIOSH Web Site.
  1. First Time Installs: from the Web Site Location: download the LTASsetup208.exe file and run the wizard by double-clicking on the file.*

    Before you begin the install take the time to read the ReadMe.txt file as it contains system information needed to correctly install LTAS.NET with limited administrative privileges.

    * If you are running under limited administrative privileges you may need to contact your LAN administrator to set up LTAS.NET on your computer. The install should be set up under your account with temporary administrative privileges. Once installed it should function without the administrative privileges if not normally granted.

  2. Upgrades: If you are upgrading from LTAS.NET version 1.2 or later, double-click on LTASupgrade208.exe file and run the wizard.
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