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Clearing Organizations

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The results for the query dated : 1/14/2009 2:32:46 PM are:

OrganizationTypeStatusDateClearing ForRemarksAssociated Documents
AE Clearinghouse, LLCDCODormant as of04/09/2008 AE Clearinghouse, LLC, a subsidiary of The Actuarials Exchange, LLC, has been registered as a derivatives clearing organization for the purpose of clearing, as limited by its registration order, for eligible contract participants, cash-settled contracts, agreements or transactions excluded under Section 2(d) of the CEA or executed on a board of trade exempted under Section 5d of the CEA.6
BrokerTec Clearing Company, LLCDCODormant as of06/19/2004  1
Chicago Board of TradeDCORegistered as of10/07/2003 Effective November 24, 2003 and January 2, 2004, clearing of CBOT contracts was transferred from BOTCC to CBOT. Under a clearing service agreement between CBOT and CME, most clearing functions for CBOT contracts are performed by CME.1
Clearing CorporationDCORegistered as of12/21/2000CCFE; CDX; USFE; ME; BM; MTCHBOX; CC; ICECCORP, formerly known as BOTCC, is an independent clearing organization owned by its clearing members that was formed in 1925.0
CME Clearing HouseDCORegistered as of12/21/2000CME; OCX; CMEAM; SWAPSTRThe Clearing House exists within the Clearing Division of the CME.0
FutureComDCODormant as of03/13/2003 The designation order for FutureCom contained conditions it was required to meet before it could operate as an exchange or clearing house. It did not meet those conditions before it became dormant. Had it become operational, FutureCom would have been the first internet-based, for-profit commodities exchange and clearing organization trading and clearing fully-paid, non-intermediated cash settled live cattle futures and options contracts.1
HedgeStreet, Inc.DCORegistered as of02/18/2004HSHedge Street, Inc. as a DCO clears exclusively for its affiliated contract market, Hedge Street, Inc.2
ICE Clear Europe LimitedMCOOrder Issued Granting as of07/31/2008ICE 1
ICE Clear US, Inc.DCORegistered as of12/21/2000ICE USIn January 2007, Intercontinental Exchange, Inc. merged with and acquired both NYBOT and its clearing organization, NYCC, a wholly-owned subsidiary of NYBOT. Previously, in 1999, NYCC had taken over clearing functions of the Commodity Clearing Corporation and the Commodity Futures Clearing Corporation of New York that formerly cleared for the New York Cotton Exchange and Coffee, Sugar & Cocoa Exchange, Inc., respectively. On June 1, 2007, the name of NYCC changed to ICE Clear US, Inc.0
Intermarket Clearing CorporationDCOVacated as of12/30/2003 ICC was formerly a wholly-owned subsidiary of OCC but merged into OCC and ceased to exist as a separate corporate entity. Therefore ICC requested that the Commission vacate its grandfathered-DCO registration. Per Commission order dated 12/30/03 the DCO registration was vacated effective 12/31/03.0
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