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Latest technology developments and toolkits include Java graphics, Java applets, Java desk-top applications, netCDF and OPeNDAP networking software and a very new AJAX (Google Maps type) interface to Observing System Data..

EPIC Classic consists of a complete suite of routines for graphical display and data analysis, as well as for database management. These programs are written in C, or Fortran using EPIC system I/O library (EPSLIB), C-shell script or PPLUS (graphic package) scripts. They are supported on many platforms including Unix, VAX/VMS, NT, and Linux, etc. Many other EPIC tools, ulities and applications are also available such as Web Utilities, MexEPS for MATLAB, X-motif based interface for Unix. Classic EPIC data base management and netCDF file formats underly the new EPIC developments.

To use EPIC software, please contact the EPIC group, and see the EPIC software license.