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Trends in Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drug Use and Treatment

bulletWhat's New in Trends

bulletTrends: Use in the general population (NSDUH)

bulletTrends: New users, drug initiation rates

bulletTrends: Treatment admissions (DASIS)

bulletTrends: Emergency department and mortality data (DAWN)

bulletTrends:  Substance use by drug, age group & State

bulletTrends in misuse of prescription drugs  (tables)

bulletMethodological issues relating to trend measurements in NSDUH

bulletTrends in treatment completion rates by demographics (2002-2004)  table



What's New


new The DASIS Report:  Geographic Differences in Substance Abuse Treatment Admissions for Methamphetamine /Amphetamine and Marijuana: 2005  (compares 1995 with 2005).

The DASIS Report:  Cocaine Route of Administration Trends, 1995-2005

newThe DASIS Report: Adults Aged 65 or Older in Substance Abuse Treatment, 1995-2005

The DASIS Report:  Heroin - - Changes in How It Is Used, 1995-2005

The NSDUH Report:  Patterns and Trends in Nonmedical Prescription Pain Reliever Use: 2002 to 2005

Trends in substance use by drug, age group & State

Trends in treatment completion rates by demographics (2002-2004)  table

The NSDUH Report:  Patterns and Trends in Inhalant Use by Adolescent Males and Females, 2002-2005

 Admissions by primary substance of abuse: TEDS 1995-2005. 

Treatment Episode Data Set (TEDS) 1994-2004:  National Admissions to Substance Abuse Treatment Services  (PDF format)

Chapter:  Recent Trends in Youth & Young Adult Substance Use:    2005 National Survey on Drug Use & Health

The DASIS Report:  Trends in Substance Abuse Treatment Admissions, 1993 & 2003

The DASIS Report: Age of First Use among Admissions for Drugs: 1993 & 2003

The DASIS Report:  Trends in Admissions for Phencyclidine (PCP): 1993-2003

The DASIS Report:  Differences in Marijuana Admissions Based on Source of Referral, 2002 1992-2002 trends

The DASIS Report: Older Adults in Substance Abuse Treatment, 1995-2002 trends

The DASIS Report:  Trends in Marijuana Treatment Admissions by State: 1992-2002

The DASIS Report:  Trends in Cocaine Treatment Admissions by State: 1992-2002

The DASIS Report:  Smoked Methamphetamine / Amphetamines, 1992-2002

The DASIS Report:  Heroin - - Changes in How It Is Used, 1992-2002

The DASIS Report:  Primary Methamphetamine / Amphetamine Treatment Admissions:  1992-2002

Results of the 2003 National Survey on Drug Use & Health (HTML format)

Chapter:  Trends in Initiation of New Users

Chapter:  Recent Trends in Youth & Young Adult Substance Use

The DASIS Report: Treatment Admissions Involving Narcotic Painkillers: 2002 Update

The DASIS Report:  Admissions with Co-Occurring Disorders,  1995 and 2001

Trends in Substance Use by States

The DASIS Report:  Treatment Admissions in Urban and Rural Areas Involving Abuse of Narcotic Painkillers


Methodological Issues Relating to Trend Measurement



Trends in Alcohol, Tobacco, & Other Drug Use


2005 Data:

Chapter:  Recent Trends in Youth & Young Adult Substance Use

2004 Data:

Chapter:  Trends in Initiation of New Users

Chapter:  Recent Trends in Youth & Young Adult Substance Use

2003 Data:

Chapter:  Trends in Initiation of New Users

Chapter:  Recent Trends in Youth & Young Adult Substance Use

2002 Data:

Results of the 2002 National Survey on Drug Use & Health (HTML format)

Chapter:  Trends in New Users

Chapter:  Trends in Lifetime Use

2001 Data:



Data Tables of Substance Use (2000-2001 NHSDA) for: Illicit Drugs, Alcohol & Tobacco

Recent trends in substance use:  2001 National Household Survey on Drug Abuse

Long term trends in substance use:  2001 National Household Survey on Drug Abuse

Trends in Substance Use, by Risk and Protective Factors

Substance Use by Older Adults:  Estimates of Future Impact on the Treatment System

Impact of September 11, 2001 Events on Substance Use and Mental Health in the New York Area

Worker Drug Use and Workplace Policies and Programs: Results from the 1994 and 1997 National Household Survey on Drug Abuse

Analyses of Substance Abuse and Treatment Issues



Alcohol Use:  Data Trend Tables for Alcohol Use, Abuse, Dependence and Treatment: (1999-2001)


Club Drugs:

The DAWN Report:  Club Drugs, 2001 Update (PDF format)

newThe DASIS Report:  Trends in Admissions for Phencyclidine (PCP): 1993-2003




Cocaine by Age Group and Hispanic Origin and Race for 2000 & 2001:(Tables 1.36A - 1.40B)  PDF format



The DASIS Report:  Heroin - - Changes in How It Is Used, 1992-2002

The DASIS Report:  Heroin - - Changes in How It Is Used



Marijuana:  Trends, Patterns and Implications in Initiation of Marijuana Use  (HTML format)  (PDF format)


Pain relievers:

new The NSDUH Report:  Patterns and Trends in Nonmedical Prescription Pain Reliever Use: 2002 to 2005 (includes data on oxycodone & hydrocodone products)



Cigarettes & Other Tobacco  Products:  Trends in Tobacco Use

Tobacco Use in America:  Findings from the 1999 National Household Survey on Drug Abuse    (HTML format)  (PDF format 3KB) 


Trends in Substance Abuse Treatment Admissions




newThe DASIS Report: Adults Aged 65 or Older in Substance Abuse Treatment, 1995-2005

Trends in treatment completion rates by demographics (2002-2004)  table

new Admissions by primary substance of abuse: TEDS 1995-2005. 

Treatment Episode Data Set (TEDS) 1994-2004:  National Admissions to Substance Abuse Treatment Services  (PDF format)

The DASIS Report:  Trends in Substance Abuse Treatment Admissions, 1993 & 2003

The DASIS Report: Age of First Use among Admissions for Drugs: 1993 & 2003

Treatment Episode Data Set (TEDS):  1993-2003  full report (HTML format)      (PDF format)

The DASIS Report: Older Adults in Substance Abuse Treatment, 1995-2002 trends

The DASIS Report:  Adolescent Treatment Admissions: 1992 and 2002

The DASIS Report:  Admissions with Co-Occurring Disorders,  1995 and 2001

The DASIS Report:  Veterans in Substance Abuse Treatment:  1995-2000

The DASIS Report:  Managed Care Substance Abuse Treatment Facilities - trends in percent of facilities with managed care contracts by ownership:  1996-2000.

Trends in Substance Abuse Treatment Admissions:  1992-2000 TEDS

Trends in Substance Abuse Treatment Facility Characteristics: 1996-2000 N-SSATS

The DASIS Report:  Coerced Treatment Among Youths:  1993 to 1998



Alcohol:  Data Tables for Alcohol Use, Abuse, Dependence and Treatment: (1999-2001)

The DASIS Report: Alcohol Treatment Admissions Decrease: 1993-1999


Analgesics (pain relievers):

The DASIS Report:  Treatment Admissions in Urban and Rural Areas Involving Abuse of Narcotic Painkillers



The DASIS Report:  Amphetamine Treatment Admissions Increase:  1993-1999



The DASIS Report:  Cocaine Route of Administration Trends, 1995-2005

The DASIS Report:  Trends in Cocaine Treatment Admissions by State: 1992-2002

The DASIS Report:  Cocaine Treatment Admissions Decrease: 1993-1999



newThe DASIS Report:  Heroin - - Changes in How It Is Used, 1995-2005

The DASIS Report:  Heroin - - Changes in How It Is Used, 1992-2002

The DASIS Report:  Heroin - - Changes in How It Is Used

The DASIS Report:  Heroin Treatment Admissions Increase: 1993-1999



The DASIS Report:  Differences in Marijuana Admissions Based on Source of Referral, 2002 1992-2002 trends

The DASIS Report:  Trends in Marijuana Treatment Admissions by State: 1992-2002

The DASIS Report:  Marijuana Treatment Admissions Increase: 1993-1999


See Amphetamines/Methamphetamines above


Phencyclidine (PCP):

The DASIS Report:  Trends in Admissions for Phencyclidine (PCP): 1993-2003


Prescription and Over-the-Counter (OTC) Drugs:

The DASIS Report: Characteristics of Primary Prescription and Over-the-Counter Treatment Admissions, 2002 compared with 1992


Emergency Department & Mortality Data


The DAWN Report:  Trends in Drug-Related Emergency Department Visits, 1994-2001 At a Glance

Metropolitan DAWN Emergency Department Data: 1994-2001 (PDF format)

PCP:  Trends in PCP mentions in DAWN Emergency Departments (1994-2001)

The DAWN Report:  Club Drugs, 2001 Update (PDF format)

The DAWN Report: Major Drugs of Abuse in ED Visits, 2001 Update (PDF format)  

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This page was last updated on July 31, 2008.

SAMHSA, an agency in the Department of Health and Human Services, is the Federal Government's lead agency for improving the quality and availability of substance abuse prevention, addiction treatment, and mental health services in the United States.

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