Press Room

February 22, 2006

Treasury Secretary Visits Hydrogen Fuel Cell Manufacturer

Danbury, Conn. – Furthering the Administration's dedication to improving innovation and energy efficiency, Treasury Secretary John W. Snow this morning visited FuelCell Energy Inc., a developer and manufacturer of high-temperature hydrogen fuel cells. During his visit, he discussed the importance of hydrogen fuel cell technology with company owners, managers and employees.

"The potential for hydrogen-powered fuel cells to power vehicles, homes and businesses with no pollution or greenhouse gases is tremendous, and it is important to the U.S. from environmental, economic and national security perspectives," Snow said. "That's why the President is dedicated to promoting the development of commercially-viable cells, announcing in his State of the Union Address a $1.2 billion Hydrogen Fuel Initiative aimed at developing the technology for hydrogen fuel cells."

Snow went on to say that "The work being done here at FuelCell Energy, Inc. is a wonderful example of how American innovation and technology will lead us to a new day of reduced reliance on foreign sources of energy. Clean, efficient alternative sources of energy for our vehicles, homes and businesses are of vital importance to America's ability to remain competitive and safe, and those energy sources will be developed and produced by American scientists and entrepreneurs like the folks here at FuelCell Energy, Inc."
