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April 23, 2007

Treasury Statement on Release of President
ID Theft Task Force Strategy

Washington, DC- President Bush's Identity Theft Task Force today released its strategic plan for combating identity theft, the top consumer fraud reported to the Federal Trade Commission.

Treasury Deputy Assistant Secretary for Critical Infrastructure Protection and Compliance Policy D. Scott Parsons, who led the Department's efforts with the taskforce, released the following statement today:

"President Bush recognized that identity theft is a crime with global reach and potentially serious consequences for our security and economic well-being. The criminals are sophisticated and the crimes can have a lasting impact on victims' lives.

"Many agencies, like the Treasury, have existing plans to combat identity theft, but this strategy promotes enhanced coordination among federal, state, and local authorities and recognizes the need for private sector participation. The report will serve as a blueprint for preventing and tracking down identity thieves and giving them due justice. More importantly, it charts a course to improve public awareness and data security, to prevent the opportunities for these crimes and to assist victims."

The Treasury Department is a member of the 17-agency task force, co-chaired by Attorney General Alberto Gonzales and FTC Chairman Deborah Majoras. The group, created by executive order in May 2006, developed 31 major recommendations for the plan. More information can be found at