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Phase 2 of Orbiting Carbon Observatory Field Campaign Begins
Aug 31, 2008
The Orbiting Carbon Observatory, or OCO, is a National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Earth System Science Pathfinder (ESSP) mission designed to make precise, time-dependent global measurements of atmospheric carbon dioxide from an Earth-orbiting satellite. Starting in July and lasting through 2010, the ACRF Southern Great Plains (SGP) site is hosting the mobile laboratory for [...]
ARM Scientists Lead International Radiation Symposium in Brazil
Aug 20, 2008
The ARM Science Team showed up in force at the 2008 International Radiation Symposium (IRS), held August 3-8 at Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil. The goal of the symposium is to provide a venue to present up-to-date results about the current problems in atmospheric radiation and to encourage the exchange of ideas within the international community. [...]
21st Century “Paper Boy” Begins Delivering ARM News
Aug 16, 2008
Like a modern day paper boy, RSS (short for Really Simple Syndication) is a web-based subscription service that delivers Internet news right to your doorstep—or web browser, in this case. This week, the ARM website joined legions of other websites by adding an RSS “feed” capability to our new ARM News Center. [...]
Facility Update Highlights Progress
Aug 13, 2008
As the ARM Climate Research Facility (ACRF) has grown, so has its bimonthly report.  With key accomplishments and activities encompassing the entire ACRF infrastructure, the "Operations Update" report has been renamed "Facility Update." Along with this change, the report's web page has a new, more streamlined look that provides more information at a glance.  [...]
Second Version of Long-Term Climate Modeling Best Estimate Data Released
Jul 23, 2008
With major improvements in the cloud fraction, cloud liquid water path (LWP), precipitable water vapor (PWV), and surface radiative fluxes, a new version of the "Climate Modeling Best Estimate" (CMBE) is now available from the ARM Climate Research Facility (ACRF) Archive. This data set, specifically tailored for use in evaluating global climate models, includes long-term [...]
New Report Details One-of-a-Kind Data Quality Assurance Approach
Jul 01, 2008
Very few long-running (10+ years) field based measurement programs have the diversity of instruments and data types that the ARM Climate Research Facility (ACRF) does. This month, the ACRF data team published a report that goes beyond the narrow definition of data quality assurance by describing its end-to-end approach to data quality, which has [...]