Press Room

March 2, 2006

The Honorable John W. Snow
Prepared Remarks
Visit to: Cisco Academy at Foothill College
Los Altos, Calif.

Good morning, and thanks so much for having me here. What a pleasure to visit a campus that the San Francisco Chronicle called "the most beautiful community college ever built."

Being here really is a reminder of the best America has to offer – and the promise that our future holds. The Cisco Networking Academy is a terrific example of where technology and innovation meet common sense and good education. When these elements come together, American workers simply can't be beat.

I'd like to commend the leadership of both Foothill College and Cisco Systems for working together to create this academy. In an economy as dynamic and ever-changing as ours, academies like this are offering timely, essential training that enables workers to move into new jobs, with new skills, at any point in their professional careers.

As Treasury Secretary, I'm interested in keeping the American economy strong and thriving, and education and worker training is a critical component to sustaining our economic strength. The outstanding American workforce drives our economy, but workers need the skills to compete. Job training is therefore essential, but it is meaningless unless it is for jobs that actually exist. That means the priority must be on job-training programs that are flexible, work with employers, and meet the demands of the local workplace and global economy. That's happening here at the Cisco Networking Academy and it's inspiring to see.

Community colleges are one of the most effective ways to get job training. That's why the Bush Administration so strongly supports community colleges. Our Community-Based Job Training Grants are designed to do just that – get job training in high-growth industries. By reforming job training programs and supporting community colleges, the government is helping workers improve their lives and ensuring that America remains the world's leading land of opportunity.

A flexible, skilled workforce, combined with good economic policies, will keep the American economy going strong.

The work being done here at Foothill College and the Cisco Networking Academy is truly at the forefront of those efforts, and I wish you all continued success in your careers and in this fine program. Thank you.