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Welcome to the GCEPD


The Governor's Committee on Employment of People with Disabilities (GCEPD) is Vermont's legally designated leadership and coordination group on issues related to employment of people with disabilities, and has a direct advisory relationship with the Governor.  Here you will find information and resources of interest to job seekers and to employers seeking to hire or accommodate individuals with disabilities.


The GCEPD was established in 1963 when the Vermont legislature passed a law to create a permanent committee to promote the employment of people with disabilities.  We offer outreach, awareness, support and resources to employers and job seekers on the employment and accommodation of people of all abilities.

Our membership is broad and unique and statewide - as we represent a cross section of disability groups, businesses, and service agencies.  Our goal is to offer you - employers and job seekers coming to this website - with the information and resources you need to allow us to achieve our mission - equal employment for all citizens of Vermont.

Thank you for visiting our website; please come back often!

Fred Jones.jpg       Fred Jones

 Fred Jones, Chair of the GCEPD

« September 2008 »
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