Link to Us

Link To Us, the official business link to the U.S. Government, provides a single access point to government services and information to help the nation's businesses with their operations.

We encourage you to place a link to on your website, giving users direct access the Federal government's one-and-only portal focused on helping businesses comply with Federal regulations.

To create a link to simply copy the code below link or button and past it on your web page. You may add just a text link or choose from one of the two logos below.

Text Link
Use the following HTML in your page:
<a href=""></a>

Descriptive Text

If you wish to include descriptive text to explain when adding a link to your site, you may use the following:

"Find federal government compliance information for your business"


"The official resource to help businesses quickly find compliance information, forms and contacts from multiple U.S. government Web sites"