Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services

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This page contains information for those with Limited Income and Resources. Please scroll down to the bottom of the page for downloadable materials and helpful links for those that may need or currently get extra help paying for prescription drugs. Copies of CMS mailings are available by selecting "LIS Notices and Mailings" on the left side of this web page.

Information for People Who May Qualify for Extra Help

To ensure that people with Medicare who qualify for extra help (the low-income subsidy, or LIS) get subsidized Medicare prescription drug coverage, outreach efforts are focused on identified LIS-eligible populations at the state, county, community and individual level. These individuals are being targeted with a multi-pronged education and outreach campaign that includes direct mailings, targeted telephone calls, and local outreach from community groups, intergovernmental partners, health care plans, providers and pharmacists. The LIS Outreach toolkit (available below) provides important resources for partners to help people with Medicare learn about and apply for extra help.

Information for People Losing their Automatic Eligibility for the Extra Help

In September 2008, Medicare and Social Security will mail a notice on gray paper to people who will no longer automatically qualify for extra help in 2009. This notice (CMS Publication No. 11198) explains why a person no longer automatically qualifies, and encourages them to complete and return an enclosed LIS application (a postage-paid pre-addressed envelope is also included). Applying early is important so their extra help can be effective as early as January 1, 2009, if they qualify.

Information for People with a Change in their Extra Help Co-payment Level

Medicare is also mailing a notice (CMS Publication No. 11199) on orange paper in early October to people who continue to qualify for extra help in 2009 but will have a change in their co-payment level.

Information for People Medicare will Reassign to a New Plan in 2009

Medicare is re-assigning certain people who currently have and continue to qualify for extra help into new Medicare Prescription Drug Plans for coverage effective January 1, 2009. Re-assignment is only for those who qualify for extra help as of January 1, 2009. Medicare is re-assigning people who 1.) qualify for the full (100%) premium subsidy whose Medicare Prescription Drug Plan premium in 2009 would increase above the regional low-income premium subsidy amount, and 2.) Medicare enrolled them in the plan. Medicare will mail these people a notice (CMS Publication No. 11209) on blue paper in early November. Medicare is also re-assigning all people who qualify for extra help whose Medicare Prescription Drug Plans are leaving the Medicare Program. Medicare will mail this notice (CMS Publication No. 11208) on blue paper by early November.

Information for People Who Chose Their Own Plan

In early November, Medicare will send a notice (CMS Publication No. 11267) to certain people whose premium cost will increase but Medicare isn't re-assigning because they joined their own plan. Medicare is mailing this notice to people who qualify for the full (100%) premium subsidy whose Medicare Prescription Drug Plan premium in 2009 would increase above the regional low-income premium subsidy amount. This notice lets people know the cost for their drug plan premiums in 2009 and their options to stay in their plan or join another plan, including plans for which they will pay no monthly premium.

Year 2007 Chooser Data [ZIP, 900KB]

Year 2007 Re-Assignment Data-Premium Increase [ZIP, 35KB]

Year 2007 Re-Assignment Data-Terminating Plans [ZIP, 1.4MB]

Year 2007 Re-Deeming Version-508 Data – Losing Deemed Status (PDF, 4 Files) [ZIP, 15.5MB]

Year 2008 Re-Deeming Questions And Answers [PDF, 37KB]
Related Links Inside CMS
Option for Drug Plans to Lower their Premiums for LIS Beneficiaries (CMS-4133-P) [PDF, 61KB] 

2008 LIS Outreach Toolkit

2008 Mailings by CMS, SSA, and Plans [PDF, 104KB]

LIS Information for States

LIS Notices and Mailings List

Re-Assignment Partner Tip Sheet [PDF, 65KB]

Re-deeming Partner Tip Sheet - Changes in Qualifying for Extra Help in 2009 [PDF, 50KB]

Fact Sheet – What to Do if You No Longer Automatically Qualify for Extra Help [PDF, 432KB]
Related Links Outside CMS
Apply online for extra help and get additional information at Social Security Administration

Information on re-determination letter from Social Security Administration

Information on AoA's Medicare Partnership Campaign

Tool to Find local partners in your area


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