The address that you use to mail a completed form will vary by the situation. Use the following guidelines to determine the proper mailing address:
- If a Social Security office has mailed you a form for completion, mail it back to the requesting office. They may have provided a return envelope for this purpose.
- Certain forms have specific mail boxes that receive them and these will be designated on the form.
- If you are mailing form SS-5 (Application for a Social Security Card) we have special mailing instructions at
Where should I send my completed Application for a Social Security Card?
- If none of the above are true, mail the form to your local office. To find the office address, use our Office Locator.
Rather than mailing a form to Social Security consider completing the action online. For example, you may request direct deposit of your check by completing U.S. Treasury form SF-1199A and mailing it to your local office, or you can complete this application online. For a list of services that can be completed online, see What You Can Do Online.