Geophysical Fluid
Dynamics Laboratory

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Bill Stern GFDL/NOAA
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's
Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory
Princeton University, P.O.Box 308
Forrestal Campus, US Route 1
Princeton, NJ 08542 USA

American Meteorological Society

Send me mail.

Links to some Other Home Pages

Bob Smith
Bruce Wyman
Jeff Ploshay
Matt Harrison

Ferret Users Guide

FMS Database (GFDL Only)

NetCDF Operators (NCO) User's Guide

GFDL NetCDF Utilities Guide

Matlab NetCDF User's Guide

NAG library documentation  

AMIP Homepage

Recent Publications


S/I Prediction

GFDL S/I Homepage

GFDL / IRI real-time seasonal prediction

IRI ARCs Homepage

CliPAS Seasonal/Intra-Seasonal Prediction Experiments

APCN Seasonal Prediction Experiment


S/I Predictability Presentation

 Global Atmospheric Model Development Team

 Coupled Model Development Team

Analyses of CM2 - Internal Presentations (GFDL Only)

Atmospheric Datasets
Atmosphere/Coupled Model Ensemble Experiments

Atmospheric Datasets
from  AMIP2

Atmospheric Datasets
Monsoon Modeling Intercomparison Project (MMIP)


Exp Pred FMS Studies

Technical Documentation for AMIP2 GCM
Technical Documentation of the frozen spectral model version (V197)
Technical Documentation of model version used for AMIP I
Bob Smith

Interannual Variability Studies

Intraseasonal Oscillation Studies

For real time seasonal & climate prediction and analysis click here

For real time weather info click here

For GFDL/Princeton Area Snowfall info click here

This site is maintained by GFDL. Questions or comments mailto: web master
last modified:October 20 2004.