Ohio High School High Tech


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Ohio High School High Tech

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Featured Students:

New for August, 2008:

New Resources for 2008-2009!

  • Math: Statistics Online Computational Resource provides online aids for probability and statistics education, technology-based instruction, and statistical computing.  It includes interactive graphs and calculators for showing distributions, computer-generated analogs of experiments and popular games, web tools for statistical data analysis, simulations of real-life processes, modeling tools, a wiki, technology-based continuing statistics education, and more.  (UCLA, Multiple Agencies).  Visit: 

  • Science: Planetary Photojournal is a photo album of the universe.  See images of the planets.  Look through the Hubble telescope at nebulae far beyond our galaxy.  Watch a video of the Mars rovers, or catch up on news about space surveillance technology.  Use the solar system simulator to view celestial bodies from various perspectives: from above or below, from an orbiting spacecraft, or from another planet.  (National Aeronautics and Space Administration)

  • Biology: Understanding Alcohol: Investigations into Biology and Behavior provides simulations, videos, and lessons on the pharmacokinetics of alcohol, the biological and behavioral effects of alcohol, youth and alcohol, the consequences of alcohol abuse and alcoholism.  Lessons focus on body type and a person's response to alcohol, factors that influence alcohol use and abuse, calculation of blood alcohol concentrations, and more.  Discover how different doses affect the activity of mice.  Experience a simulation of driving while intoxicated.  (National Institutes of Health)

  • Down to Earth Guide to Global Warming: Written for ages 8 and up, The "Down-to-Earth Guide to Global Warming" by Laurie David and Cambria Gordon, is a comprehensive resource young readers can look to for understanding the science behind why global warming happens and how we can work together to stop it. Laurie David is a global warming activist and producer of Academy Award winning film An Inconvenient Truth and the HBO documentary Too Hot Not to Handle.  

  • Photomuse is a resource for scholarship in the history of photography.  Search for photos by title, date, description, photographer, country, and others.  Discover the chronology of developments in photography, beginning with announcement on January 7, 1839, at the French Academy of Science in Paris that Louis-Jacques-Mande Daguerre had invented the daguerreotype. (Institute of Museum and Library Services) Visit: 

Success Stories:

Recent Student Updates:

  • Photos from our Wright State University Tour

  • David M., a senior at Cleveland Heights High School, is currently carrying out a work assessment with The Geek Squad at Best Buy.  He is currently learning the ins and outs of computer support.  Thanks to low vision aids, David is able to carry out his job responsibilities. 

  • Stanley G., a senior at Euclid High, is currently exploring careers via the HS/HT program.  He attended the Youth Leadership Summit in Columbus, OH.  He is the captain of his wrestling team.

  •  Kevin M. (junior, Orange High School), Sam Resnik (sophomore, Cleveland Heights High), and David Mckee toured NASA on December 15, 2006.  Deb Cotleur, HS/HT’s NASA liaison organized a fabulous tour of the site.  We began investigating the Pig Rigs (capsules used to run experiments at zero gravity).  Next, we visited Ballistics and got a taste of the Virtual Reality Technologies employed by the organization.  Students will return to further investigate the science, technology, and engineering fields.

  • Alia G., a senior at Lakewood High School, got a taste of celebrity-dom.  She appeared on Channel 3 News in regards to her top notch performance with the Lakewood High School Band.  She is a top scholar that is looking forward to attending Case Western Reserve University in the fall of 2007.

Featured Photos:

Patent Database:

Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) Collaborative Activities:

Career Video Library:

Explore Neat Technologies:

Career Resources:


  • MentorNet
    MentorNet is the award-winning nonprofit e-mentoring network that addresses the retention and success of those in engineering, science and mathematics, particularly but not exclusively women and other underrepresented groups. Founded in 1997, MentorNet provides highly motivated protégés from many of the world's top colleges and universities with positive, one-on-one, email-based mentoring relationships with mentors from industry and academia. In addition, the MentorNet Community provides opportunities to connect with others from around the world who are interested in diversifying engineering and science.

Accessibility Tutorials, Simulations Examples and Exercises:

Free Assistive Technology:

Free Podcasting Resources:

Project Magnify:

Young Entrepreneurs:

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