Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services

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Browse by Provider Type

  • All Fee-For-Service Providers
  • Ambulatory Surgical Centers (ASC) Center
  • Ambulance Services Center
  • Anesthesiologists Center
  • Clinical Labs Center
  • Critical Access Hospitals Center
  • Durable Medical Equipment (DME) Center
  • Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHC) Center
  • Home Health Agency (HHA) Center
  • Hospice Center
  • Hospital Center
  • Pharmacist Center
  • Physician Center
  • Practice Administration Center
  • Rural Health Center
  • Skilled Nursing Facility Center
Content Section

Rural Health Center

  • Transition of Inpatient Hospital Review Workload – New Fact Sheet  and Power Point Slides  available. (posted July 14, 2008)
  • CMS-1910-P2 - Changes in Conditions of Participation Requirements and Payment Provisions for Rural Health Clinics and Federally Qualified Health Centers; Proposed Rule {Published June 27, 2008; Comments due by  5 p.m. on August 26, 2008}; View Press Release and Fact Sheet.

Medicare Learning Network (MLN) Spotlights
Go to the What's New page for the latest MLN products and announcements! Check it often!

Important Links

Billing / Payment
  • HIPAA Information for Medicare Providers
  • HIPAA Information for Medicare and Non-Medicare Providers
  • Medicare Information for Health Professional Shortage Areas (HPSAs) and Physician Scarcity Areas (PSAs)
Enrollment/ Certification

Medicare Provider/Supplier Enrollment

  • Enrollment Applications
  • Form CMS-1561A: Health Insurance Benefit Agreement - Rural Health Clinic
  • Form CMS 29: Request to Establish Eligibility to Participate in HI for Aged/Disabled to Provide Rural Health Clinic Services
  • Conditions for Coverage (CfCs) and Conditions of Participation (CoPs) and - Overview 
  • CfC and CoP: Rural Health Clinic/Federally Qualified Health Centers
  • Survey and Certification
  • Survey and Certification Letter: Privacy Of Medical Record Information in Rural Health Clinics
  • Medicare Modernization Update 
  • Quarterly Provider Update
  • Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
Medicare Prescription Drug Coverage
  • Information for Providers
National Provider Identifier (NPI)
  • Information for Medicare Fee-for-Service Providers about the NPI
Medicare Secondary Payer
  • Medicare Secondary Payer and You
  • Medicare Secondary Payer Manual
  • Coordination of Benefits
Educational Resources
  • Medicare Learning Network (MLN)
  • MLN Educational Web Guides
  • MLN Matters Articles (Search
  • MLN Products:  Rural Health 
Helpful Links
  • National Rural Health Association
  • Health Resources and Services Administration (HHS)
  • National Association of Rural Health Clinics
  • Rural Assistance Center
  • The Frontier Education Center
  • Technical Assistance and Services Center (TASC) - for the Rural Hospital Flexibility Program
  • The National Rural Recruitment and Retention Network (3R Net)
  • National Association for Rural Mental Health (NARMH)
  • The Kaiser Commission: Health Insurance Coverage in Rural America
  • The Kaiser Commission: The Uninsured in Rural America
CMS Manuals & Transmittals
  • CMS Manuals
  • CMS Internet-Only Manuals
  • Transmittals
  • Medicare Claims Processing Manual: Chapter 9 -  Rural Health Clinics/ Federally Qualified Health Centers
  • Medicare Benefit Policy Internet Only Manual: Chapter 13 - Rural Health Clinic (RHC) and Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) Services
  • State Medicaid Manual Paper-Based Manual
  • The Medicare Rural Health Clinic and Federally Qualified Health Center Manual Paper-Based Manual
  • Reimbursement Manual (ZIP, 56Kb)
  • Medicare Secondary Payer Manual
  • Medicare National Coverage Determinations Manual
  • To receive changes to the CMS Quarterly Provider Update, subscribe to the CMS-QPU Listserv from the CMS Mailing Lists Page
  • Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS) 
  • Alpha-Numeric HCPCS File
  • ICD-9-CM -- General Information
  • ICD-9 -- Codes
  • Claim Adjustment Reason Codes (CARCs) and Remittance Advice Remark Codes (RARCs)
  • Medicare Coverage
  • Medicare Coverage Database
  • Medicare National Coverage Determinations Manual
Medical Review/ Fraud & Abuse
  • Medical Review Process
  • Beneficiary Complaint Response Program
  • Physician Self Referral
  • American Indian/ Alaska Natives
  • Critical Access Hospital Center
  • Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHC) Center 
  • Therapy Services
  • Medicaid Information
  • Partnering with CMS Center
  • Telehealth
  • "Health Care Financing Review" Articles
Medicare Fee-for-Service Part B Drugs
  • Competitive Acquisition Program for Part B Drugs & Biologicals
  • Historical Part B Drug Pricing Files
  • Medicare Part B Drugs Average Sales Price
  • CMS Regional Office Rural Health Coordinators
  • Medicare Certified Rural Health Clinics (as of 08/11/2008) - This report is sorted by region, by state, and then by provider
  • Contact Your MAC/Carrier/FI  via Toll-Free Numbers and Websites -- A listing of the toll-free numbers that CMS has installed at Medicare FFS contractor sites.
  • Quality Improvement Organizations (QIO)
  • Contacting the Coordination of Benefits Contractors  (COBC)
How to Stay Informed
  • Rural Health Open Door Forum
  • Press Releases
  • Mailing Lists -- Sign up for the Rural Health mailing list!  


Browse by Special Topic

  • American Indian/Alaska Native Center
  • End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) Center
  • Legislative Affairs Center
  • Medicare Coverage Center
  • Newsroom Center
  • Ombudsman Center
  • Open Enrollment Center
  • Partnering with CMS Center
  • People With Medicare & Medicaid Center
  • Quality of Care Center
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