CPSC Warns of Strangulation with Crib Toys

Consumer Product Safety Commission

CPSC Warns of Strangulation with Crib Toys

CPSC Document #5024

Crib gyms, exercisers, kickers, and similar toys are attractive additions to a child's environment, but they are DANGEROUS as well. The risk of strangulation begins when children are just starting to push up on hands and knees, usually about 5 months old. These children can pull themselves up to a hanging crib toy and become entangled or fall forward over it; but they cannot disentangle them- selves, support their own weight, or lift themselves off the toy. The results can be injury or death.

Completely remove such toys from the crib or playpen. Do not merely untie one end and allow the toy to dangle because strangulation is still a possibility.
Baby Having Fun with Crib Toys
Remove all crib toys which are strung across crib or playpen area when your child is beginning to push up on hands and knees or is 5 months of age, whichever comes earliest.